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Customer payments using the Customer Portal - CLIPitc
Customer payments using the Customer Portal - CLIPitc

How customers can make payments via the Customer Portal

DeVon avatar
Written by DeVon
Updated over a week ago

This article will discuss how customers should make payments via the customer portal. You can send this article to your customers as a guide for making payments. This only applies to customers who have already signed up for the customer portal. If you would like to know more about setting up your portal and sending invites, click on the following link. Setting up your Customer Portal

Log in to the Customer Portal

Go to the customer portal and log in at .

There are two ways to enter in a payment, both will lead you to the same page.

The first way would be to click on the payment tab. This will allow you to enter a payment for the total balance due, not necessarily a specific invoice. This payment will likely be applied to the oldest unpaid invoice. If you're using this method, jump down to the "Choose your payment method" section of this article to continue.

The second way would be to click on the Invoice tab to see your invoices. Select "View Bills" next to the invoice you would like this payment to be specifically applied to.

The invoice/statement will now show. Click on "Pay Now" in the top left hand corner. Now you will be taken to the payment page.

Choose your payment method

As previously stated, both methods will lead you to the payment method screen as shown below. Here, you will want to select the payment type and choose to enter a new credit card number or use the one that may be currently saved. Next, enter the amount you want to pay and then click Continue.

Billing Information

You should now be on the billing information page. This is where you will enter your billing information. Please confirm all of your billing information before moving on to the next step. After you've confirmed, you can also check the box to save this payment method to be used used to auto pay invoices each month if you would like. Click Make Payment.

Make the payment

Once you click on make a payment, a pop-up will occur asking you to enter the details of your payment method such as credit card number or banking information (ACH). The pop up will look differently based on the payment method you chose in the beginning. If this pop screen does not show up when you click make payment, go and confirm with your browser that pop-ups are allowed for this website. Below are a some examples of what the billing entry looks like.

Credit / Debit Card


Now enter your payment details, click Pay. The pop-up should go away and a prompt that says "Payment was successful" should appear. You can confirm your payment being made by going to the invoice to see if the payment was applied.

If you have any questions please visit our Help Center or log into chat at the bottom of the page at We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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