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Adding Jobs and Installments To Customers In CLIPitc
Adding Jobs and Installments To Customers In CLIPitc

How to apply jobs and installments to customers in CLIPitc

Jonathan Conaway avatar
Written by Jonathan Conaway
Updated over a week ago

In this manual, we will be covering how to add jobs to customers and the processes that go into it. The more info you put into CLIPitc under the job field, the more info CLIPitc can give back in the way of reports. This info can be very useful in making your company more profitable. It will also give you more peace of mind knowing that the numbers are being tracked by CLIPitc.

In CLIPitc, before you can add jobs, you must first fill in the customer info and property info, as well as have your pattern jobs setup in CLIPitc. If you have not done this, please see the manuals by clicking on the corresponding word.


Adding Jobs To Customers

Routing Sequences

Setting Up Installment Charges

To add jobs to customers, double click the customer you need to add a job to.

Then inside of the customer screen, select the Jobs tab.

Please note, if the jobs tab is not underlined you have not yet setup a property for this customer. To see how to do, that please see our Adding Customers To CLIPitc Manual.

Now, click add so you can add a new job from job templates to this customer.

Now, you will need to pick from one of the job patterns you setup earlier. Simply highlight the pattern you want to add, then click select.

After selecting the job pattern, you can fill out the job's specific details that pertain to this customer such as property size or price.

The setup will start with assigning the crew that you want to be servicing this customer.

Routing Sequence will be the next field that will need to be filled out. Routing sequence numbers in CLIPitc sets the order of how your customers will be serviced. The lower the number, the farther up the route sheet they will be placed. This number is really based on the customer's location. When assigning routing sequences numbers, think of your customers being visited on the same day by your crew.

For this example of routing sequences, we are just going to say this customer is closest to the shop. Therefore, I will give this job a routing sequence of 10 which places it closest to the shop.

The reason I started with 10 and not 1 is because if I add any new customers I will want to have room to add them in. If I do not leave room, I will have to renumber all of my customers routing numbers in order to make room for a new customer. It is always good to use increments of either 5 or 10 when assigning routing numbers.

Whether this customer is charged per service or is a contract customer, it is a good practice to have the “Charge per Job” filled out. If you do not have a charge per job amount, you will not be able to calculate your man hour rating.

Man hour rating is basically your dollars per hour goal for your company. This is the amount of money your company needs to make every hour so the company meets its financial goals. The Man Hour Rating comes from the Calc2 feature. The following steps show you how this feature works.

Click on the Calc2 button next tow Man Hour Rating.

Once clicked, it will open our Calc2 feature. It looks like this.

The Calc2 will automatically take the Charge per job from job detail, but you will need to enter your dollars per hour goal for the Calc2 feature to give you a Budgeted Man Hour rating. If you agree with the Budgeted Man Hour Rate that the Calc2 generated, just click on replace in the job.

If this service is part of a contract, these numbers will not be used to charge the customer. But they will be used for when pulling job costing reports.

Next feature we will cover is the Charge Per Hour.

This amount does not need to be filled out unless you charge your customer by the hour for this job.

Next step will be setting this jobs bill type.

Include In Contract will set this job to be a part of the contract you may have with this customer. If this bill type is selected, it will not charge the customer according to the Charge Per Job amount. For this job, you would be charging them through installments.

Charge Per Job will charge this customer the amount set up in the Charge Per Job Field.

Charge Per Hour + Material will be charging the customer by the hour which is the amount you would assign to the Charge Per Hour field. But it will also charge them according to the amount of material used. If you have not setup materials, please see our Setting Up Your List of Materials Manual. The amounts are assessed when you record the job. Please see Recording Work Inside CLIPitc for more info.

The tax type is critical if you plan on charging taxes for this service.

If you charge taxes in QuickBooks, be sure to check the box.

Materials cost is the typical cost of materials used for this job. This is a number that your company will either already have a record of from history or an estimated cost that is associated with the size of the property.

Class is an option used in QuickBooks for job tracking and must be imported from QuickBooks.

For information on scheduling jobs, please see our manual on Scheduling Jobs.

Setting Up Installments Charges For Customers

Installments are made simple and are easy to manage in CLIPitc. In this section, we will cover the steps required in order to setup a customer as an installment customer. This section does not cover how to bill installment customers. That will be covered in our manual called Invoicing Through QuickBooks.

To set up an installment customer, the first thing you need to do is setup a package as an installment package. To do this, under the desired customer, click on Properties, then Add, under packages.

Now give that package a title that will define it as an installment package.

The purpose of giving it a title defining it as an "installment" package is that this customer may also want jobs that are not a part of their installment charges. In that case, you will want to add another package that will contain jobs that are not a part of their installments.

Now, to define this package as installment package, click on the "Charge By" drop down and select "Installment".

Once you have selected "Installment" you will now have a new set of fields that you can fill out pertaining to this customer's contract information.

Let's go over these fields now.

Status under packages allows you to basically turn on or off a customer's services for each package.

An installment package also gives you the option for a contract to have a start date and a stop date. You can also select "Contract Never Expires" if you do not have contract renewals with this customer.

Invoice Notes will be a message that appears on invoices that your customer can see.

The Following screen will be where you enter the amount for each month's installment. These amounts will be what you charge per month for all of the jobs included in this package.

To the right of the installment amounts, you will see two columns. The first one will be the list of jobs included in this contract. The section next to that will show the details for each job for a quick reference. You cannot edit the job detail from this screen, it is only for reference.

Now that we have familiarized ourselves with the installments screen, let's see how we add jobs to this contract.

Click on the "jobs" tab.

You will now see the packages you have setup for this customer. To add a job to this contract, simply click Add under the jobs column and select the desired job from your pattern jobs list.

Once you have added the desired job, go ahead and setup job details just as you would a charge per job customer. The only difference here would be setting the bill type to "Include In Contract".

You are now ready to begin servicing and billing this customer through installments!

If you have any questions please visit our Help Center or log into chat at the bottom of the page at, we'll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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