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Setting Up Customer Properties and Packages In CLIPitc
Setting Up Customer Properties and Packages In CLIPitc

How to setup multiple properties & locations where work is performed for a customer

Jonathan Conaway avatar
Written by Jonathan Conaway
Updated over 5 months ago

Properties in CLIPitc were created to give you, a service Company, more flexibility, and control when managing customers properties. In most cases, your customers will only have one property. However, there is a good chance you will have some customers who have multiple locations you need to keep track of or the customer you bill is different than the addresses that you service. This can be the case when you have contracts with developments or HOA's.

In this manual, we will be going over how to setup properties and how to best utilize this feature for your company.

Go to the customer you will want to be adding a property to.

After double clicking on that customer, go ahead and select the Properties tab.

Now title the property. It can remain the customer's name if you like; but if you think this customer may be adding other locations, title it accordingly. Some examples include home, shop, store and so on...

Also be sure that the address under this property is the correct address because this is the address your crews will be servicing. CLIPitc will automatically pull the billing address from the Customer detail; but if the address you will be servicing is different from the billing, be sure to enter it under the property.

For report purposes, mark this customer's property as either "Residential" or "Commercial".

Below the property address info, you will see another section called "More Property Information." We will now go over what these fields mean. These are not required fields but can be useful to your company.

"Late Fee" If you mark this as yes, CLIPitc will charge your customers a late fee that you have setup in CLIPitc if they do not pay the bill before the due date (Late Fee will be functional by 3/31/2017. Right now this is a "Placeholder" for this feature). 

"Fuel Surcharge" If marked yes, this will charge the customer the fuel charge you have setup in CLIPitc. (Fuel Surcharge will be functional by 3/31/2017. Right now this is a "Placeholder" for this feature.)

"Service Category" Is a field that is intended to give you, as the user of CLIPitc, more options in distinguishing your customer's properties from each other. In the drop down you will see a few examples:

"Customer Category" Is a field that you can use to distinguish what type of customer this property belongs to.

"ZoneID" Is the zone that this property belongs to. This field is important if you plan on adding a zone scheduled job to this property. For instructions on that, please see the header "Zone Scheduling" in our Scheduling Jobs Manual.

"Latitude and Longitude" Can be entered manually or you can use the "Find Lat and Long" button. This feature will use the customers address and the internet to find their exact location. This information will be used for routing your crews. If you have the "LatLongForMap" Checked, your crews will be able to view this customer's property on a map. This can be useful if they are unsure of a property's location.

Now that we have covered that area of Property Info, let's take a look at the Contact Information section.

If this property's manager is different from the person you are billing, you will want to input their information here. That way, whenever you send out service notifications or need to schedule a service for this property, this contact info will be available to you. This is the information your crews will have on their route sheets as well in case they need to contact the manager of this property.

If you do send Service Notices to the Contact of this property, be sure to check off "Email Service Notices" and input their email info.

The following fields will be the list of package and jobs that you provide to this specific property.

"Packages" Allow you several options when setting up a property. For example, maybe your typical services for this property are contract based and you bill them monthly. In that case, you can setup a package titled "Routine Maintenance Contract" (for example). Now the title itself does not make it a contract, and the charge by field will do that. Just select "Installment" from the "Charge By" drop down to make this package a contract package. For info on Installments check out the Setting Up Installment Charges for Customers In CLIPitc and Processing Installments in CLIPitc in the Help Center. 

At the same time, you may provide other services to this property that cannot be included in the contract because they are occasional services that are only asked for when the customer needs them. For example, snow plowing may or may not be needed during the winter. In that case, you would want to setup a "Charge By Job Info" package.

Packages also have a "Status" field that can be used to turn on or off a set of services. If a customer does not want your snow plowing service for this year, you can simply set it to On Hold.

For more information, please see our Adding Jobs and Installments to Customer Manual. Before reading that manual, be sure that your customers have at least one property set up. If they do not, you will not be able to add jobs to those customers.

Moving packages using Drag and Drop

Now that you've set up your packages and jobs, suppose you'd like to adjust the order in which your properties or packages appear. This can be easily accomplished from the customer's account by navigating to Properties. Simply use your mouse to click and hold the package you wish to move, then drag it to the desired position. illustration, in this example, we moved the second package below the Default package.

If you have any questions please visit our Help Center or log into chat at the bottom of the page at, we'll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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