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Recording Work Inside CLIPitc

How to record work inside of CLIPitc (if you're not using the mobile app)

Jonathan Conaway avatar
Written by Jonathan Conaway
Updated over a week ago

CLIPitc has been designed to function with our Mobile Field App. This way your crews are recording work for you throughout the day without having to call to check in, or return to the office and transfer information from paper route sheets. The app will track times, materials and progress in real time with no need to upload or download information or results.

But we also understand that utilizing tablets and phones may not work for all crews. We have also provided a record work section inside of CLIPitc.

Basics Of Recording Work

Recording work can track anything from travel time to material costs. Perhaps all you want to notate is how long the job took. The following steps will help you get all of this info into CLIPitc.

Before you record work, the job you intend to record must be available in the workbank, so perform "Get Work", if necessary. Head to the "Daily" tab. It will default to the "Get Work" section. 

From here, you'll see the following section at the top:

Keying a date in that field will show you all work that has a due date on and before the entered date.  Click on the Get Work button. This loads the workbank with jobs.  The Remove Work button is used when you want to clear the workbank for various reasons. The View Work Calendar button is useful for looking at the workbank as a calendar (by day, week, or month) rather than in list format.  The other buttons Activate Zone Jobs, Activate Rounds, and Adjust Schedule are detailed in other articles.

Once you have your work appearing in the workbank and your crews have finished these jobs out in the field, you will now be able to enter their start time and stop times from the Route Sheets you printed off earlier. To do that, go to the Daily tab then click on Record Work to visit that section. If your crews use the CLIPitc Mobile App to assist them to complete work, then your crews have done the next few steps for you, and you may skip down to the "Record Work Advanced" header to begin validating their logged information.

Click on "Record Work" under the "Daily" tab.

Once there, you will be able to start recording work.

A best practice would be to record the jobs in the order they were done. This will allow CLIPitc to correctly calculate travel time.

Let's record our first job. On the Record Work screen, select the first job your crews did. Then click on the edit key - it looks like a small pencil.

Now you will be able to enter times for this job. Go ahead and fill in the start and stop time. 

Also be sure the "Date Done" field is correct. This is the date the job was actually done and will be posted to the customers' history.

Then mark the job as Y (yes) for done.  Now just hit the check mark next to the done status. This job is now ready to be finalized!

Again, this is the simplest and most common way to record work in ITC, and it works well for most maintenance jobs.  

There are other letters that may be in the column labeled "Done" or "Status". They are as follows:

Y: "(Y)es, it is done."
N: "(N)o, it is not done."
I: "The job is (I)ncomplete."

S: "The job is (S)kipped."

G: "The job is (G)rouped to another job."

**It's important to realize that when using the Pencil Edit, keying in a time and clicking the check mark, you are adding a new and additional timestamp.  If your intention is to change a time, you must utilize the edit menu within the drop down arrow to the left of the job.**

The drop down is outlined, below.  If you are recording a time and material job, then your details will need to go a little deeper than just times.

Record Work Advanced - Using the Detailed Drop Down Menu

Sometimes one of your crew either comes in late to help finish the job, or has to leave early. In this case, entering times as usual will not give you accurate man hour tracking. To access the Detailed Edit Menu, click the drop down arrow on the left.

Now, select the desired employee and enter the appropriate Start and Stop times. Click the "Add Time" button when you're satisfied with the accuracy of the timestamp. Once you have finished adjusting the times, click "save".

Recording Multi-Day Jobs

You can also utilize CLIPitc to track the times and days spent on a job that spans multiple days or visits. The simple way to do this is to engage the Pencil edit.  Key in the time for your new day from start to finish, declare the day that you performed this and select the checkbox. This adds a new set of times for the entire crew for the new day.

You can also utilize the Detailed Edit to record these multiple visits.  To do this, head into the detailed edit using the drop-down menu using the same steps as if you were adding extra individual employee times, though you may also use "All Crew Members".  Simply change the date that you're declaring the time for and you're set!

Recording Weather Conditions

If your recording programs and rounds, then you will likely need to record lawn conditions as well. To do that, you will need to click the drop down arrow to the left to access the lawn conditions menu.

From here go ahead and enter the desired info you would like to record and then click Save.

Declaring Materials Used on a Job

First, let's look at how materials are recorded in CLIPitc. Each job in this list has an adjust button. This button will open the materials screen. This is where you can add and edit the materials for a job.

After clicking the Adjust button, a pop out window will show you a list of materials already included in that job. Here you can select which material you would like record.
Let's do one now. Go ahead and click the edit button on a material you have setup for this job.

This will show the material edit screen. The main thing you will be doing here is entering how much of this material you have used. To do that just enter the amount in the quantity field.

If you have not setup materials in your CLIPitc account, please visit the article focused on creating your list of materials.

Once you have entered your amount, just click save. And that's it!

If you need to record a material for this job that has not been included for it, just return to the Material Adjust screen and click add.

This will open up your companies material list. From there you can add any material you need to this job by selecting them from the Part Number drop down.

If you have any questions please visit our Help Center or log into chat at the bottom of the page at We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have!

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