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Billing/Invoicing with CLIPitc (without QB)
Billing/Invoicing with CLIPitc (without QB)
Stephen avatar
Written by Stephen
Updated over a week ago

In this article we are going to review the steps needed to generate and send out invoices from CLIPitc (without QuickBooks). Here are a few things we will review.

In order to generate invoices you need to have have finalized work ready to be invoiced. If you are unsure of how to record/finalize work check out this help article:

With work recorded/finalized you are ready to head on over to the Invoice tab.

Right off the bat, we see our first section "Invoice Information"

Invoice Date is the date you are closing the monthly billing for. If you do billing at the beginning or end of the month, just use that date as the invoice date. This field is mandatory.

Cut-off Date is a date that that will prevent jobs that were done after that date from showing up on the invoice (saving them for next time you invoice).

Due Date will be used by as the date the bill is due to be paid. Once that Date has passed, the program will mark that invoice as overdue. This field is mandatory.

The Invoice Information are typically the only fields you will adjust each time as they are normally the only ones that change month to month.


This is where you set up settings for your companies preferences.

Statement/Invoice radio buttons allow you to choose between sending a statement or invoice to your customer. Statements include the account aging information and the total amount due. Invoices include an invoice number, as well as total charges minus total payments for balance due at the bottom.

Sort by Account No will order your invoices by account number. If this box is left unchecked it will sort invoices alphabetically.

Include invoice Notes will simply print the invoice notes on the invoice that you have entered through recording work or through job notes.

Include Time in/Time Out to Description will print the times for when your crews started and stopped jobs for this customer. This will print for each service that is printed on the invoice.

Include Property Name in Description this will show which jobs were done for which property for your customers who have multiple properties.

Transfer $0.00 Transactions (Contract Jobs) will include the work orders for installments." it is important to let people know this isn't just for installment jobs, but prepay as well. basically this will invoice anything that has a $0.00 charge regardless of if it is part of an over lying contract or not.

Include Skipped Jobs on Invoices will include a line item for work orders that were skipped.

Show Per Item Sales Tax gives you the option to declare the sales tax as a separated line item on the invoice.

Include Unused Materials on the invoice will include the list of materials that you have attached to the job, yet didn't assign a quantity.

Print statement for overdue customers with no activity will generate invoices for customers that have past due balances but haven't been serviced recently." Specifically it is if someone has not been charged lately (which $0.00 transactions can qualify for, since they are a "charge" even if they are for $0.00) this is a important distinction since things like late fees are a charge that makes it so that these customer's will populate a statement/invoice regardless of the fact they were not technically serviced.

Include "statements to be emailed" in printed report will include bills for customers that you've keyed an email address in and selected "Email Invoices" for in the list of invoices to be printed.

Print "Bill To" puts Bill To in front of the billing name/address.

Show First Property as "Services Rendered at" Just as Bill To helps to identify which is the Billing address, Services Rendered helps identify which the property at which the work was completed at.

Hide Quantity will allow you to show or hide how much/many you used of each material.

Print $0.00 Balance Invoice Statements Enables you to print or not print invoice/statements for customers with $0.00 balances.

Please reach out if you have any further questions as to what these options do

You'll notice that there's a message box in the middle of the page. This message box allows you to customize a letter that'll print on all printed and emailed billings. Enter you message here before printing your bills for them to appear at the bottom of the new bills.

You can also choose the HTML option to allow you to customize the message for better formatting, styling, and interactivity. This button is located at the bottom of the message box.

Please note that this message does not transfer with bills to QuickBooks and therefore will not appear on QuickBooks bills.


Here is where you can process and modify the installments for the Month.

The "Edit Installment Message" options allows you to modify how the installment will be displayed on the invoice.

Its important to select the correct month when processing installments as that is what will be displayed on invoices and in customer history.

Transaction Date is the date that the installment will show up as being applied, most often customers choose to set this the same as the billing date, but it is customizable.

Last Transaction Date this simply servers as a reminder as to why you last processed installments to help prevent against double processing them.

Process and Delete Installments if you have double processed installments and not invoiced them or simply are not ready to process them you can undo/delete un invoiced processed installments here, and also process them." This is more of a cosmetic or ease of reading suggestion however I would make it "un-invoiced" instead of "un invoiced".

Generating Invoices

With will have up to 5 options here depending on the settings you have set up.

Print All Invoices

This will automatically create invoices for all customer that meet the options you have selected.

Print/Edit Individual Invoices

Allows you to print bills at any time without affecting all of your other customer's bills. So if you want to print a one time job or just one customer's bills; this is where you will want to do that. Simply select the jobs you want to print. One key thing to point out with individual invoices is that it will show all jobs to choose from, the "Cut off date" does not work as a filter on this screen.

You can print multiple customers at the same time this way as well. The invoices will be printed for each customer individually, and will include all the jobs you have selected to print for those invoices.

After selecting the bills you would like to print, go ahead and click Print and click on Print again after it refreshes.


Refreshes the screen.

See Invoices to be Emailed

Here you can view the invoices that are set up to be emailed and email them out in a batch.

Text Invoice

Just as you can email invoices you can also send them as a text message.

Viewing Batches

This area gives us useful information on the batches that were run today (As well as the ability to review previous batches).

Batch # is just what batch the invoice was generated in.

Invoices is how many invoices are in that specific batch.

Date is the invoice date that was chosen.

Amount dollar amount for the invoices combined.

Total Paid dollar amount that has been accepted as payments in this batch.

Total Unpaid total amount left after the payments have been accounted for.

User displays the user who created the batch

Created At displays the the date the batch was created on

Status displays if the batch is processing, failed or invoiced

Undo Batch will reverse it

Print will print the invoices for the batch

View Past Batches this button enables you to locate and find previous batches of invoices that you have created. Clicking on this will bring up a list of all previous batches.

Refresh often when you create a invoice in can take a few seconds to longer depending on how many invoices you are generating. The status will show if it is still processing, you can hit refresh to update the status with out having to reload the whole page.

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