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CLIPPay Anonymous payments
CLIPPay Anonymous payments

How to add a payment page to accept payments from customers when they don't have the portal or an emailed invoice.

Jonathan Conaway avatar
Written by Jonathan Conaway
Updated over 4 years ago

Anonymous payments allow your customers to pay through CLIPPay without having a direct payment link, or an account on the portal. Because we don't have an account, or invoice link Anonymous payments need to be linked back to customers.

To setup anonymous payments go to your CLIPitc account. Click the settings gear, then click on Company Info.

Scroll down to the CLIPPay Settings section. Check the box to allow anonymous payments, then copy the Anonymous payments link. You can create a button on your website, or include the link in emails that you send out, or have a web designer embed the page on your website. You can use either the Dark mode style, or the normal style. If you want to use the Dark Mode style check the box next to "Show in Dark Mode."

Once there are payments online you can then match them up to the correct customers. Go to invoice tab, then click on More>Match Anonymous Payments.

From here you will see all of the payments that are waiting to be matched. If CLIPitc can detect a customer based on invoice number, account number, or email it will suggest a match. To verify the match just check the box. If it says no match found pick the correct customer from the list. Once you are done check the payments and click on "Save Checked Payments." CLIP will then apply the payments to the correct accounts and clear them from the Anonymous payments section.

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