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[CLIPxe/QCLIPxe] Employee Reports
[CLIPxe/QCLIPxe] Employee Reports

Reports in CLIP from Reports > Employee Reports - We describe where they are, how to get them and what they do for you!

Jonathan Conaway avatar
Written by Jonathan Conaway
Updated over a week ago

Employee Reports

Employee Efficiency Report (Report Dollars and Hours)


The employee efficiency report gives you efficiency information by employee. The efficiency rating at the bottom of each employee is broken down by efficiency during payroll hours and efficiency based on man hours.

What can you do with this report?

  • Show the efficiency of the production crews and the members on each crew.

  • Get an idea of how much money each employee is bringing in for each hour they are under your payroll.

  • Allows you to see the jobs worked by each employee (depending on date range).

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Employee>Employee Efficiency>Report Dollars and Hours

What does the report show?

Crew Section Daily

Name: Displays the customer’s property name.

Date: Displays the date the job was done.

Job Name: Displays the job name that was done.

GL Amount - Materials: Amount paid for the job (for contract jobs it’s the job value) minus material cost (GL).

Budgeted Crew Man Hours: Amount of man hours budgeted for the crew for that day.

Actual Crew Man Hours: Amount of man hours the crew actually took to do the jobs.

Average Dollars Per Employee: Average dollars per employee (GL Amount divided by # of Crew Members).

Totals for: Totals for GL Amount, Budgeted Crew Man Hours, and Actual Crew Man Hours based on a specific date.

Employee Section

Employee Name: Name of the employee.

Budgeted Personal Man Hours: Man hours for one employee specifically (not calculating for entire crew).

Actual Personal Man Hours: Actual man hours for specific employees.

Payroll Hours: Hours clocked in for payroll (see employee tracking manual for more information).

Totals: Totals for actual man hours, payroll hours, and revenue.

Efficiency Rating (actual/payroll): Efficiency percentage of actual personal man hours divided by payroll hours.

Efficiency Rating (budget/actual): Efficiency percentage of budgeted personal man hours divided by actual personal man hours.

Revenue/Payroll hour Rating: Dollar amount of total revenue divided by personal payroll hours

Revenue/Budgeted hour Rating: Dollar amount of total revenue divided by personal budgeted hours

Revenue/Actual hour Rating: Dollar amount of total revenue divided by actual personal man hours.

Summary Section

Job Period: Displays job period information (Start Date/Stop Date).

GL Amount - Materials: Total amount (or value for contract jobs) of the jobs minus material cost (GL).

Budgeted Crew Man Hours: Total amount of man hours budgeted for the jobs based on the number of people on the crew that day.

Actual Crew Man Hours: Total amount of man hours the jobs actually took.

Efficiency Rating (actual/payroll): Efficiency percentage of actual total man hours divided by total payroll hours.

Efficiency Rating (budget/actual): Efficiency percentage of budgeted total man hours divided by actual total man hours.

Revenue/Payroll hour Rating: Dollar amount of total revenue divided by total payroll hours.

Revenue/Budgeted hour Rating: Dollar amount of total revenue divided by total budgeted hours.

Revenue/Actual hour Rating: Dollar amount of total revenue divided by actual total man hours.

What information can I filter?

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.

Show Inactive Employees: This option allows you to show any employees that may have been deactivated during the time period.

Employee ID (Blank for all): This option allows you to select a specific employee for the time period or you can leave this blank to include all active employees.

Crew Range: This option allows you to select a specific crew range for the report.

This report sorts by:

Date: The first date that has recorded jobs in the crew range will display first, then the next date with active jobs, etc.

Other Options:

Detail/Summary: If detail is selected, each day will print out with each specific job that had been done. If summary is selected, only the totals will be displayed and no history will be displayed.

Employee Efficiency Report (Report Hours Only)

The employee efficiency report (hours only) gives efficiency ratings (percentages) by date range/employee.

What can you do with this report?

  • Shows the efficiency of the production crews and the members on each crew.

  • Gives you an idea of how efficient each employee is for each hour they are.

  • Under your payroll (clocked in).

  • Working on the jobsite.

Where can you find this report?
The report can be found at Reports>Employee>Employee Efficiency>Report Hours Only.

What does the report show?

Date Range: This will show the start date and end date of the options on the previous screen.

Crew Range: Displays the crew range selected on the previous screen.

Employee Name: Displays the employee’s name.

Date: Displays the date of the time entries.

Budgeted Man Hours: Amount of man hours budgeted for the day based on the man hour rating of the jobs.

Actual Man Hours: Amount of man hours that were recorded for this employee for the specific day.

Paid Hours: Hours the employee was on the clock.

Actual vs. Budgeted: Efficiency percentage of budgeted personal man hours divided by actual personal man hours.

Actual vs. Paid: Efficiency percentage of actual personal man hours divided by payroll hours.

Budgeted vs. Paid: Efficiency percentage of budgeted personal man hours divided by payroll hours.

What information can I filter?

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.

Employee ID (Blank for all): This option allows you to select a specific employee for the time period or you can leave this blank to include all active employees.

Crew Range: This option allows you to select a specific crew range for the report.

This report sorts by:

Date: The first date that has recorded jobs in the crew range will display first, then the next date, etc.

Sort on Actual vs. Paid: Sort the reports out in order of actual time that the employee was working on a job versus the amount of time that you paid the employee to work.

Other Options:

Detail/Summary: If detail is selected, each day will print out with each specific day that has hours recorded. If summary is selected, no history will be displayed on the report, only totals.

Employee Compliments/Complaints Report

The employee compliments/complaints report shows the comments for an employee listed by dates. This information can be entered in during the posting work screen or on the employee hour’s screen during the posting process (see screenshots in "what information can I filter?" section).

What can you do with this report?

  • See which customers/employees are being complimented/have the most complaints.

  • Gives you a quick and easy way to print out compliments/complaints for employees.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Employee>Compliments/Complaints.

What does the report show?

Employee Name: Displays the employee’s name.

Date: Displays the date of the compliment/complaints

Compliment/Complaint: This is the complaint or compliment that was entered.

What information can I filter?

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the starting date and stop date of the report (based on when the job was completed).

Employee ID (Blank for all): This option allows you to select a specific employee for the time period or you can leave this blank to include all active employees.

Job Comments Only: Report will show only comments entered in the record work screen.

Internal Comments Only: Report will show only comments entered in the employee hour’s screen.

Both: Report will show both job comments and internal comments.

This report sorts by:

Date and Employee Name: The first date that has recorded compliments/complaints will display first, then the employees in alphabetical order, and then the next date, etc.

Other Options:

Print Layout: If portrait is selected, the report will print the page in portrait format. If landscape is selected, the report will print lengthwise or in landscape format.

Employee Bar Code


The employee bar code report will show employees that are associated with a bar code.

Employees By Job


The employee by job report will show employees listed by each job.

What can you do with this report?

  • See which employees were on which job.

  • Gives you a quick and easy way to print out a listing of employees that were recorded on a certain job.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Employee>Employees By Job.

What does the report show?

Time Period: Displays the start and end date as the pay period.

Date: Date of the specific time entry.

Account Number: The customer’s number inside of CLIP.

Crew: Displays the crew range selected on the previous screen.

Job #: Displays the job number for the job that is being displayed.

Truck #: Displays the truck number for the job that is being displayed. Truck # field comes from the crew. Click System>Crew Setup

Emp1 - Emp8: Displays the employee name that was recorded on the job starting at 1-8.

What information can I filter?

Crew Range: This option allows you to select a specific crew range for the report.

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.

Job numbers: Allows you to see information for specific job numbers, or a range of jobs. To select just jobs 1, 2, and 5 you would type in “1,2,5”. To see jobs 1 to 100, you would enter it as 1-100. To see all jobs, type in 1-9999.

For Truck Range: Allows you to see information for specific truck #, or a range of truck #'s.

Payroll Report


The payroll report will give you the clock in, clock out, break time, and pay hours for your employees. The total pay hours will appear at the bottom of the pay hours screen.

What can you do with this report?

  • Shows the clock in/clock out times of your employees. This can be printed for data entry into your payroll program or sent to a payroll company.

  • Allows you to quickly look over clock in and clock out times to find discrepancies.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Employee>Payroll Report.

What does the report show?

Time Period: Displays the start and end date as the pay period.

Date: Date of the specific time entry.

Employee Name: Displays employee name.

In: Shows the time that the employee clocked in.

Out: Shows the time that the employee clocked out.

Break Hours: Displays the break hours recorded.

Pay Hours: Displays the pay hours which is the total hours minus the break hours

Total Pay Hours: Displays the total pay hours.

What information can I filter?

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.

Show Inactive Employees: This option allows you to show any employees that may have been deactivated during the time period.

Employee ID (Blank for all): This option allows you to select a specific employee for the time period or you can leave this blank to include all active employees.

Crew Range: This option allows you to select a specific crew range for the report.

This report sorts by:

Employee Name: This report sorts by the employee name.

Other Options:

Detail/Summary: If detail is selected, each day will print out with each specific clock in/clock out time. If summary is selected, only employee totals will show on the report.

To Excel: This will create a spreadsheet of the payroll information for more customizing, data entry/manipulation options.

Hours by Category


The hours by category report is used to see what jobs your employees are doing over a given period of time.

What can you do with this report?

  • Shows the total hours for a crew member and how many hours they have worked in each job category.

  • Allows you to see the time spent at your jobs. 

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Employee>Hours by Category.

What does the report show?

Date: Displays the date the hours were recorded.

Employee Name: Displays the customer’s property name.

Start Time: Displays the payroll start time for the employee for that day.

Stop Time: Displays the payroll stop time for the employee for that day.

Total Hours: Displays the total payroll hours for the employee for the given day.

Category Descriptions: Displays the categories that are assigned to the jobs and the amount of time spent at each category.

What information can I filter?

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.

Employee ID (Blank for all): This option allows you to select a specific employee for the time period or you can leave this blank to include all active employees
This report Sorts by:

Date: The first date that has recorded time for employees will display first, and then the next date, etc.

Other options:

Output to Excel: This will output the report to an Excel Sheet for further data manipulation.

With Subtotals (IN EXCEL ONLY): This option allows you to see the subtotals for the categories inside Excel.

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