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[CLIPxe/QCLIPxe] Custom Reports
[CLIPxe/QCLIPxe] Custom Reports

Reports in CLIP from Reports > Custom Reports - We describe where they are, how to get them and what they do for you!

Jonathan Conaway avatar
Written by Jonathan Conaway
Updated over a week ago

Custom Reports

Marketing Merge Report 

The marketing merge will allow you to create an excel file or a word document with property and billing information.

What can you do with this report?

  • Create an Excel or Word document.

  • The Excel file can then be used in a merge document to quickly fill out information on a template.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Custom Reports>Marketing Merge

What does the report show?

Customer Number (num): Customer’s account number inside of CLIP.

Name (name): Customer’s property name.

Property Address (paddress): Address of the customer’s property.

Property City (pcity): City where the property is located.

Property State (pstate): State where the property is located.

Bill Name (bill_name): The billing name for the customer.

Greeting (greeting): The greeting in the customer’s information (e.g. Mr., Mrs., etc.).

Billing Care Of (billing_c_o): The billing care of from the customer’s account screen.

Billing Address (baddress): Billing address for the customer.

Billing City and State (bcity_st): Billing city and state for the customer.

Billing Zip (bzip): Billing zip code of the customer.

Billing Home Telephone (bhtel): Billing home telephone of the customer.

Billing Work Telephone (bwtel): Billing work number of the customer.

Custom Letters (customchr): Custom letters associated with the customer.

Custom Number (customnum): Custom numbers associated with the customer.

Residential or Commercial (r_c): Whether the customer is a residential or commercial client.

What information can I filter?

Active Customers Only: This option allows you to choose only active customers.

Only Customers: This option allows you to filter only customers (no employees, vendors, or estimate clients).

Only for Customers with the following jobs: Type the numbers of the jobs you want all your customers on the merge marketing list to have in these boxes.

But DO NOT have any of the following jobs: Type the numbers of the jobs you do not want the customers on the merge marketing list to have in these boxes.

This report sorts by:

Num: The lowest customer number will be at the top of the list, then the next highest. I.e., Customer 1, Customer 2, Customer 3

Other options:

Browse the Table when done: This will show the list of the data that has been exported to the excel file after it is finished processing.

Output to Excel: This will output the report to an Excel Sheet for further data manipulation.

To Word Document: This will output the report to a Word document to go through merging (for more information on merging see the articles - User Defined List - click here and Mail Merge - click here.) 

Link Reports (use qCLIPxe version instead if possible)


Link reports show you a listing of what credit and debit accounts were record based on the date range you have entered.

What can you do with this report?

  • You can list a list of work recorded and what credit and debit account that was assigned to the job.

  • Gives you total sales generated for the time frame specified.

Where Can I find this report?
The report can be found at Reports>Link Reports.

It will only show up if you have the old modules from before CLIPxe (Stopped selling them in 2005). 

What types of link reports are there?

  • QuickBooks Account Report

  • Peach Tree Account

  • SBT Account Report

QuickBooks Account Report

Peach Tree Account

SBT Account Report

What are my options when printing a link report:

History file: Based on the date range you use access dates from the history database.

Current file: Based on the date range you use access dates from the journal database (the journal database is the work entered for the current month).

Begin Date: The start date you wish to show for the report.

End Date: The end date you wish to see on the report.

Customer Number: You can enter 1 customer number or blank for all. 

Enter part of account number or Blank for all: This allows you to type in your account number or part of an account number to see just the total amount generate for the account specified for the date range entered.

What does the Detail Report show me?

What is shown on the report?

Num: The customer’s account number in CLIPxe.

Date: The date the job/ transaction was record.

Credit: Shows you the credit code you had posted it with (for example C for cash or check, D for debit nontaxable, etc.).

Description: The name of the transaction.

Amount: Transaction dollar amount.

Glamount: General ledger amount.

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