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[CLIPxe/QCLIPxe] Programs & Rounds Reports
[CLIPxe/QCLIPxe] Programs & Rounds Reports

Reports in CLIP from Reports > Programs / Rounds Reports - We describe where they are, how to get them, and what they do for you!

Jonathan Conaway avatar
Written by Jonathan Conaway
Updated over a week ago

Programs and Rounds Reports

Current Rounds History Report


This report shows you the latest time that the round has been done along with the related rounds that were done and when they were done. This report puts you through a step by step process to creating the current round history (related rounds) and places the information on an excel spreadsheet.

What can you do with this report?

  • Show the last scheduled round along with history information on any other related rounds (part of the same program) that were done.

  • View dates and details on the latest round for the entire program. 

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Programs/Rounds>Current Rounds History Report

What does the report show?

Num: The customer’s account number.

Map: The map location entered for that round.

Custsince: The date that the customer was created in CLIPxe.

Status: The customer’s status with your company.

Salesrep: The salesperson recorded for that round.

Program: The program associated with the round.

Date: The date that the round was done.

Amount: The dollar amount that was charged to the customer for the service.

GL Amount: Shows the value of the job (used for non-contract jobs for the customers).

Description: The name of the round that was recorded.

Foreman: The foreman that was recorded when the round was recorded as completed.

Technotes: The notes for the technician for that round.

Hstdte1: The date for the first previous round that was recorded.

Hstdesc1: The name of the first previous round that was recorded.

HstAmt1: The dollar amount that was charged to the customer for this round.

Hstglamt1: Shows the value of the round for the period recorded (per service or include in contract bill types).

Hstfman1: The foreman that was recorded when the round was recorded as complete.

Hstdte2: The date for the second previous round that was recorded.

Hstdesc2: The name of the second previous round that was recorded.

HstAmt2: The dollar amount that was charged to the customer for this round.

Hstglamt2: Shows the value of the round for the period recorded (per service or include in contract bill types).

Hstfman2: The foreman that was recorded when the round was recorded as complete.

Hstdte3: The date for the third previous round that was recorded.

Hstdesc3: The name of the third previous round that was recorded.

HstAmt3: The dollar amount that was charged to the customer for this round.

Hstglamt3: Shows the value of the round for the period recorded (per service or include in contract bill types).

Hstfman3: The foreman that was recorded when the round was recorded as completed.

How does it narrow down (filter) rounds?

Chemicals Selection Box

Programs & What Rounds Selection boxes allows you
to narrow down specific rounds by checking the check box under Inc to include the round.

Begin Date: The start date you wish to show for the report.

End Date: The end date you wish to see on the report.

This report sorts by:

Excel: This report does not have any sorting options. If you need to sort it, you can use the options inside of excel to sort.

Other options:

Prints to Excel: This report will always send to excel.

Rounds Usage Report


This report pulls information about the usage of rounds throughout the cycle of the program. This report is pulled based on the rounds selected, date range, customer number, crew range, and chemicals selected.

What can you do with this report?

  • View what chemicals used within the selected round(s) that were completed (for forecasting use the “Future Usage Report”).

  • How much, where, or when the chemicals were used for the selected round(s).

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Programs/Rounds>Rounds Usage Report

What does the report show?

Program Code: Displays the 5 digit code for the program (setup in pattern programs).

Date: Displays the date that the chemical was used.

Time In: Displays the time that the round was recorded as started.

Time In: Displays the time that the round was recorded as complete.

Round Name: Displays the name of the round that was used.

Round #: The number associated with the round (similar to a job number for jobs).

Crew #: The crew that used the chemical.

Wind Speed: The recorded wind speed for the day that the round was completed.

Wind Direction: The recorded wind direction for the day that the round was completed.

Weather Conditions: The recorded weather conditions for the day that the round was complete (eg, sunny, rain, etc).

Chemical details version of the report shows:

Chemical Code: The chemical code for the chemical that was used.

Chemical Name: The chemical name for the chemical that was used.

Rate: The recorded rate that the chemical was applied.

Cost: The cost associated with the chemical when it was applied.

Quantity: The quantity of the chemical that was applied.

EPA#: The EPA number associated with the chemical.

How does it narrow down (filter) Rounds/Chemicals? 

Filter Options 1 & 2:

Customer #: Pulls information for the customer account number range that you specify.

Crew #: Allows you to see chemicals for specific crews.

Begin Date: The start date you wish to show for the report

End Date: The end date you wish to see on the report

Chemicals Selection Box

Programs & What Rounds Selection Boxes allows you to narrow down to specific rounds by checking the check box under Inc to include the round.

This report sorts by:

Customer: The customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

By Chemicals: Sorts it out by chemical name in alphabetic order.

Rounds Future Usage Report


This report gives you a list of your chemicals that will be used in your scheduled rounds in the future.

What can you do with this report?

  • By adding the total chemical values (quantity & area), it gives a grand total. 

  • Find the chemical costs for rounds that you are going to be doing.

  • Find the chemical types and quantities for rounds that you will be doing.

  • Order chemicals for upcoming rounds.

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Programs/Rounds>Rounds Future Usage. 

What does the report show?

Name (at the top of the section): If printing out “by chemical,” the chemical name will be listed at the top of each section with the totals for the chemical at the bottom of each section.

Cust #: The customer’s account number.

Name: The customer’s property name.

Round Name: The name of the round.

Qty: The quantity of chemical that is going to be used.

Area: The square footage of the area where the chemical is going to be applied.

Rate: The rate (typically rate per thousand) at which the chemical will be applied.

What can you narrow down by (filter)?

Program Code: Displays the 5 digit code for the program (setup in pattern programs).

Round Name: Displays the name of the round that was used.

Crew Range: Crew range from 1-9999.

Zone: None by default will select No Zones. Not Set is the zones that are not setup for customers. The zone can be set in the customer’s account under the property info tab.

Invoices to Print: This allows you to choose (checkbox) specific customers based on the selection in step 1.

Chemical Code: The chemical code for the chemical that was used.

Map: Allows you to choose customers based on a map from Microsoft MapPoint. 

This report sorts by:

Customer: The customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

By Chemicals: Sorts it out by chemical name in alphabetic order.

Report Output: Detailed view with detailed information and a summary view with a shortened summary view of the selected rounds.

You can move fields up or down the list here or edit the boxes to change the information that will show up on this report. This can be done in step 1 or 2. You can select some individually, hit the all button, or none.

Things to know:

The chemicals in this list are controlled by the materials tab under the programs tab when looking at the selected customer on the customer list.

Rounds Compliance Report


This report outputs information from the selected round(s) for regulatory compliance. The purpose of this report is to show that your chemical applications meet the rules set by the compliance standards in your area.

What can you do with this report?

  • Show data for what applications are used when, where, and how for compliance standards.

  • View quantity and active units of measure for certain applicators.

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Programs/Rounds>Rounds Compliance Report

What does the report show?

Customer #: The customer's account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Crew Range: Crew range from 1-9999.

Date: Date range for a schedule of the chemicals that were used.

Chemical Code: The chemical code for the chemical that were used.

Program Code: Displays the 5 digit code for the program (setup in pattern programs).

Round Name: Displays the name of the round that was used.

County Code: Displays the code for the county that the work was performed at.

This report sorts by:

Print Options: Shows the customer name or show active ingredient and applicator name/license (if selected, you will not have the header options except for reporting year and this is selectable no matter what option you choose).

Header Options:

Certification ID #: Identification number associated with the chemical used.

Applicator Name: Name of applicator used in job(s).

Applicator Business Registration No.: Applicator registration number associated with the business.

Reporting Year: This field is the year that the report will show for and will be a sorting option whether or not show active ingredient and applicator
is selected.

Part Number: Number of the part used in chemical applications.

Part Name: Name of the part used in the chemical applications.

Quantity: How many chemical applications were used in job(s).

Unit: How many units of chemical applications were used.

County Code: Code for county that chemicals were used in.

Applicator License #: The license number associated with chemical applications used.

Active Quantity: Quantity of active chemical applications used in job(s).

Other Sort Options:

Sort By: Customer, County Code, Part Number, and Date   

Programs by Customer Report



This report prints a list of customers that a particular program setup. By choosing which programs to print the report for, this report will show the programs at the top and list each customer that the program is setup for.

What can you do with this report?

Show a list of customers that use a specific program.

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Programs/Rounds>Programs by Customer

What does the report show?

Program: Displays the name of the program (setup in pattern programs).

Customer number: Displays the customer’s account number.

Property name: Displays the name of the customer’s property.

This report narrows down by:

Include on Hold Programs: This will include programs that are on hold status.

This report sorts by:

Property name: This report sorts first by program, and then by the property name.

Report will output to:

To Printer: Straight to the printer.

To Screen: Straight to the screen for viewing and then you have the option to print from there.

To ASCII: To an ASCII file will output the report to a text or .txt file to the desktop or wherever you save it to.

Database: This will output the report to a database file that can be opened by CLIP. 

Excel: This will output the report to an excel spreadsheet file.


Rounds Revenue Projection Report


This report is setup very similar to the rounds square footage report, except it will total all future rounds together for a total revenue projection.

What can you do with this report?

  • Get a total expected revenue for specific applications, dates, and customers.

  • Can be selected for only certain rounds or all of your rounds. 

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Programs/Rounds>Rounds Revenue Projection

This report sorts by:

Program Code: Displays the 5 digit code for the program (setup in pattern programs).

Round #: The number associated with the round (similar to a job number for jobs).

Crew Range: Crew Range from 1-9999.

Zone: This will only include rounds in the selected zone.

Add Round Using Map: The map location entered for that round will be brought up on your Microsoft MapPoint Application.

Other options:

Report Output: Detailed view with detailed information and a Summary view with a shortened summary view of the selected rounds.


Rounds Square Footage Report


This report pulls the square footage done round by round. This report will show customer number, property name, address, square footage, date done, and the amount which will then be totaled at the bottom.

What can you do with this report?

  • Find the square footage of each round completed.

  • Find the total square footage spread for a specific round, chemical, or program.

  • Find the total amount charged for a specific program.  

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Programs/Rounds>Rounds Square Footage Report

This report shows:

Cust #: Displays the customer’s account number.

Property Name: Displays the 5 digit code for the program (setup in pattern programs).

Property Address: Displays the property address where the application was completed.

Square Footage: Displays the square footage for the round.

Done: Displays the date that the application was done.

Amount: Amount of money earned for doing the application.

This report sorts by:

Round name: The name associated with the round.

This report narrows by:

Crew Range: Crew range from 1-9999.

Date Done: Date that the round was marked completed.

To: The date that you want the report to process records until.

Zone: If you have any rounds setup with zone schedule, this box being checked will include them.

Invoices to Print: This allows you to choose (checkbox) specific customers to print out invoices for.

Add Round Using Map: The map location entered for that round will be brought up on your Mappoint Application.

Other options:

Report Output: Detailed view with detailed information and a Summary view with a shortened summary view of the selected rounds.

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