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[CLIPxe/QCLIPxe] Job Reports
[CLIPxe/QCLIPxe] Job Reports

Reports in CLIP from Reports > Job Reports - We describe where they are, how to get them and what they do for you!

Jonathan Conaway avatar
Written by Jonathan Conaway
Updated over 6 years ago

Job Reports

Crew/Route Report

Shows the report specified by a crew range to give details on when, where, and other info outlining the work that the crew has performed. This report has a modify button next to the print preview button. This allows the user to modify each field and was meant to allow easy modifications on the crew and route sequence numbers.

What can you do with this report? 

  • View details about which crew is scheduled to do a specific job.

  • Change information having to do with the crews or jobs. 

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Crew/Route

What does the report show you?

Crew Range: Range from 0-9999 can be selected.

Allows Sort by: Route Number, Crew and Route (default option if nothing else selected), Street Name, Map Location, Crew and Street, Crew, and Zip Code.

Filters: Only active customers (customers that are not on hold will be in RED on the customer list screen) and include jobs that are on hold (jobs on hold will be in RED also).

What can you modify this report?

Many fields are editable on this report giving this report added detail on the specified crew. Making changes to this report using the edit button will bring up the job detail screen. Once making the changes from there (after hitting return), it will bring you back to the edit route information screen.

What can you narrow down by (filter)?

Sort order: Route Number, Crew and Route, Street Name, Map Location, Crew and Street Name, Crew, and Zip & Job Number.

Large font checkbox: Enlarges the font for each field.

Edit Button: Brings up the job detail screen to easily find the information that you want to edit on this report. Double clicking on a field will also bring up the job detail screen.

Work Projections Report (Jobs)


The work projections report gives you a list of how your jobs are going to be scheduled in the future if the schedule doesn’t change (rain days, late days, etc.).

What can you do with this report?

  • You can see a projection of how your work is to be scheduled.

  • If you choose to show the amount, it will give you an idea of what that crew is grossing (not including contract customers and prepays) for the day.

  • It helps you figure out if you have enough room in your day to fit another job.

  • Allows you to print out route sheets early for the season.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Report>Job Reports>Work Projections - Jobs.

Filter Options:

Start date: The date that you want to start including jobs that will be scheduled.

Stop date: The date that you want to stop including jobs that will be scheduled.

Crews: This is where you would enter the crew or crew range you wish to see.

Jobs: You can enter one job or a range of jobs by using 1-9999, or if you want only certain job numbers you can use 1,4,6,9. If you’d like all you, can leave the field blank and it will show all the crews for the date range

Customer from: You can pick one customer or a range of customers.

Include jobs on hold: This box being checked allows you to see jobs on hold.

Include zone jobs: If you have any jobs setup with zone scheduling (snow type jobs and chemical type jobs) and want them to appear on the schedule as well, check this box to include them.

Show Amount Charged: This will show you the cost of the job on the report.

Show Route Number: If you have a routing sequence number, this will show you the route number on the report.

Show Notes: This will show the route sheet notes. This only applies Print/Preview by day.
The report options you have:

Prepare Report: Once you have chosen your filters, you need to click on prepare report to be able to be given a report option.

Print/Preview by Day: This gives you a breakdown by day for the criteria you entered in the filters.

Print/Preview by Customer: This gives you a breakdown by customer for the criteria you entered in the filters.

Print Calendar: This allows you to print a calendar of your projected work for the filters you have entered. Depending on how much data you have for the day, it might not look like the preview by calendar option.

Preview by Calendar: This gives a full month calendar so you can preview the work scheduled for the filters you have entered.

What information shows up on the print/preview by day:

This is the report with detail:

This is the report with summary:

Name: Customer name.

Jobnum: This would show the customer number first and then the job number.

Cr: Crew number.

Jobname: Name of the job.

Route #: Routing sequence number for the job.

Amount: The amount.

Last: The last time the job was done.

Freq: This are the days between jobs.

Done: How many times you have recorded this job as done.

Mhrs: This is what man hour rating you have listed in the job.

Area: This comes from the job detail. If you have this filled out, it would be the square footage.

Map: This is if you use the map location which is inside of the job detail.

What information shows up on the print/preview by customer version of the report?

The report with detail

The report with summary:

Job for customer: Displays the customer name.

Address: The customer's address.

Jobs for: This is showing the jobs that will be scheduled for that date.

Jobnum: Show the customer's number and the job number.

Crew: Number of the crew assigned to the job.

Amount: The cost of the job.

Mhrs: This is the man hour rating you have listed in the job.

Area: This comes from the job detail. If you have this filled out, it would be the pretty square footage.

Total Mhrs: This gives you the total hours for the month.

What information shows up on the print by calendar:

What information shows up on the preview by calendar:

Summary or Detail:

Summary: No history will be displayed on the report, only the totals.

Detail: Each day will print out with each specific job that had been done.

Report Output - this only applies to Print/Preview by day and Print/Preview by customer:

To Printer: This goes to the printer.

To Screen: This allows you to preview the report before you print it.

To Ascii File: To an ASCII file will output the report to a text or .txt file to the desktop or wherever you save it to.

To Database: You can save the information as a database file.

To Excel: You can export the data to Microsoft Excel.

Things to know:

If you have a lot of information to display, you might not want to print by calendar. 

Schedule Report:


The schedule report helps you determine what job is on a particular schedule. 

What can you do with this report?

  • See Information on customer's scheduled jobs.

  • Filter by date, crew, and other filter options to determine what job was done last.

Where can you find this report?

This Report can be found at Reports>Job Report>Schedule Report

What does the report show? 

Date: Date that the job was done.

Name: Customer name.

Jobnum: This would show the customer number first and then the job number.

Cr: Crew number.

Jobname: Name of the job.

Last: The last time the job was done.

Freq: This is the days between jobs.

Done: How many times you have recorded this job as done.

Mhrs: This is what man hour rating you have listed in the job.

Area: This comes from the job detail. If you have this filled out, it would be the square footage.

This report sorts by:

Start date: The date that you want to start including jobs that will be scheduled.

Stop date: The date that you want to stop including jobs that will be scheduled.

Crews: This is where you would enter the crew or crew range you wish to see.

Jobs: You can enter one job or a range of jobs by using 1-9999, or if you want only certain job numbers you can use 1,4,6,9. If you’d like all, you can leave the field blank and it will show all the crews for the date range

Customer from: You can pick one customer or a range of customers.

Include jobs on Hold: This box being checked allows you to see jobs on hold.

Job Costing Report


The job costing report helps you find out which customers are the most profitable. It shows you how much money you made on each customer/job based on how much you charged the customer and how much time it took to do the job for the customer.

You can use this report for adjusting customer pricing for next season. This is the key to finding out if your customers are profitable.

What can you do with this report?

  • See which customers are most profitable per dollar per hour.

  • See which jobs are most profitable per dollar per hour.

  • See which areas are most profitable per dollar per hour.

  • See how much your travel time is costing you.

  • Know which customers need to have their prices adjusted.

  • Know which areas to expand into as a business (pull the report by job).

  • Know which customers to treat well based on their profitability.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Job Costing Report.

What does the report show (Detailed version)?

Date: Date that the job was done.

Done #: The time that the job was done (1 would be the first time, 2 would be the second time the job was done, etc.).

Budgeted Time: Time that the job was budgeted to be done. This number comes from the man hour rating under the jobs under the job detail tab. 

Actual Time: The actual amount of time that it took to do the job. This is based on the start/stop time that you entered when you marked the job as completed.

Difference: The difference between the budgeted time and the actual amount of time that the job took.

Charge: How much you charged the customer for the job.

GL Amount: How much you charged the customer for the job. For installment customers, the charge will be 0.00 because you didn’t charge them per service. The GL amount will have the amount that the job was worth for job costing reports.

Material Cost: Material costs that were entered when the job was recorded.

Chemical Cost: Shows the amount of chemical costs that were recorded for programs and rounds when the job was completed.

Average dollars per hour: The average dollars per man hour on the job (formula would be (total charge-Material costs)/Total man hours).

Average hours: Average amount of time that it took to do the job.

Average dollars per hour including Travel Time: The average dollars per man hour including the travel time. The formula for this would be: (total charge-Material costs)/(Total man hour +Total Travel time).

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

Crew range: Allows you to see the information for just a specific crew or a specific crew range (eg. crews 1 to 30).

Customer range: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (eg. customers 1 to 1000).

Job numbers: Allows you to see information for specific job numbers, or a range of jobs. To select just jobs 1, 2, and 5 you would type “1,2,5”. To see jobs 1 to 100, you would enter 1-100. To see all jobs, type in 1-9999.

Date range: Allows you to see information for a specific time period. Type in the start date for the beginning of the period you would like to see and type in the stop date for the day that you would like to end.

This report sorts by:

Number: Sorts by the customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first, then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Name: Sorts by using the customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Customer, Crew: Sorts by using the customers’ account number in your system, and then sorting by the crew number.

Crew: This option will sort all of the work by crew number. It will give you the dollars per hour figures, but will also include the “total hours budgeted” and the “job efficiency” rating for the crew.

Sort by Dollars Per Hour: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst)  to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Sort Travel Time: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) to the highest (best) average dollars per hour customer.

Other options:

Show history: This option will show you a detailed history for each customer with a separate line for each time the job was completed. If you are looking at a lawn maintenance job that occurred 28 times in the season and you are pulling the entire season worth of time, it would show you 28 lines. One line for each time the job occurred.

Contract Jobs Report Version: This will only print out a report that includes the customer’s installments on the report, along with the installments/man hour’s efficiency number.

Only jobs over/under projected times: This option will only include jobs that are different from the scheduled time. This will usually make it so that any time and material type jobs don’t show up on the report.

Include Jobs on hold: This will include any jobs that are on hold for the customer in the report.

Active Customers Only: This will only show customers that have a status of active (they are a current customer with your company that you are doing services with).

Job Costing Report - Actual Cost


The job costing - actual cost report helps you find out which customers are the most profitable. It is different than the job costing report because it shows the costs directly tied to each employee and crew. 

CLIP has had a job costing report since it was first created. This report is based on the gross dollars per hour. This is calculated by the price charged – materials cost divided by the actual time it took to do the job. This is still the recommended way.

Based on user requests we have developed a different way to do job costing. This is based on the employees cost and the equipment cost. This is calculated by the (price charged to the customer) – (employee hourly cost x actual employee time) – (equipment hourly cost x actual job time) – (materials) = gross profit.

To set this up you must be using Employees and set them up in the Crew Setup, click the button below for more info on how that works.

Find the employee by clicking Files>File Maintenance or click the Customer List icon on main screen. Select the employee info button.

Enter the employees hourly cost. It should include labor burden (i.e. taxes, workers comp, average OT rate, etc.). 

From the CLIP main screen, select System>Crew Setup.

Choose the crew and enter the hourly equipment cost for this crew.

You can use this report for adjusting customer pricing for the next season.

What can you do with this report?

  • See which customers are most profitable per dollar per hour.

  • See which jobs are most profitable per dollar per hour.

  • See which areas are most profitable per dollar per hour.

  • See how much your travel time is costing you.

  • Know which customers need to have their prices adjusted.

  • Know which areas to expand into as a business (pull the report by job).

  • Know which customers to treat well based on their profitability. 

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Job Costs – Actual Cost

What does the report show (detailed version)?

Date: Date that the job was done.

Done #: The time that the job was done (1 would be the first time, 2 would be the second time the job was done, etc.).

Budgeted Time: Time that the job was budgeted to be done. The budgeted time comes from the man hour rating under the Jobs>Job detail tab.

Actual Time: The actual amount of time that it took to do the job. This is based on the start/stop time that you entered when you marked the job as complete.

Dif.: The difference between the budgeted time and the actual amount of time that the job took.

Charge: How much you charged the customer for the job.

GL Amount: How much you charged the customer for the job. For installment customers, the charge will be 0.00 because you didn’t charge them per service. The GL amount will have the amount that the job was worth for the job costing reports.

Material Cost: Material costs that were entered when the job was recorded.

Chemical Cost: For programs and rounds, the amount of chemical cost that was recorded when the job was completed.

Average dollars per hour: The average dollars per man hour on the job (formula would be (total charge-Material costs)/Total man hours).

Average hours: Average amount of time that it took to do the job.

Average dollars per hour including Travel Time: The average dollars per man hour including the travel time. The formula for this would be: (total charge-Material costs)/(Total man hour +Total Travel time).

The Gross $: GL amount - Materials – Chem Cost - Equip Cost - Emp. Cost. Basically this number would be the charge of the job minus all of the costs associated with it.

The Gross %: This is made by dividing the Gross $ / Gl Amount (value of the job).

The Average $/hour: Gross $/ Actual Time

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

Crew range: Allows you to see the information for just a specific crew or a specific crew range (eg. crews 1 to 30).

Customer range: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (eg. customers 1 to 1000).

Job numbers: Allows you to see information for specific job numbers, or a range of jobs. To select just jobs 1, 2, and 5 you would type in “1,2,5”. To see jobs 1 to 100, you would enter 1-100. To see all jobs, type in 1-9999.

Date range: Allows you to see information for a specific time period. Type in the start date for the beginning of the period you would like to see and type in the stop date for the day that you would like to end.

This report sorts by:

Number: Sorts by the customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first, then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Name: Sorts by using the customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it in alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Customer, Crew: Sorts by using the customers’ account number in your system, and then sorts the crew number.

Crew: This option will sort all of the work by crew number. It will give you the dollars per hour figures, but also includes the “total hours budgeted” and the “job efficiency” rating for the crew.

Sort by Dollars per Hour: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Sort Travel Time: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Other options:

Show history: This option will show you a detailed history for each customer with a separate line for each time the job was completed. If you are looking at a Lawn maintenance job that occurred 28 times in the season and you are pulling the entire season worth of time then it would show you 28 lines, one for each time the job occurred.

Contract Jobs Only: This will only include jobs that have a bill type of “Included in Contract” (This would only show installment customers) in the jobs tab for the customer.

Only jobs over/under projected times: This option will only include jobs that are different from the scheduled time. This will usually make it so that any time and material type jobs don’t show up on the report.

Include Jobs on hold: This will include any jobs that are on hold for the customer in the report.

Active Customers Only: This will only show customers that have a status of active (they are a current customer with your company that you are doing services with).

Actual vs. Budgeted Man Hours

The actual vs. budgeted man hours report helps you to find out how well you are doing on jobs/customers compared to what you are trying to make. It gives you a good idea of how well the season went/is going compared to what you expected.

What can you do with this report?

  • Seeing how close you were to your budgeted man hour goals.

  • Seeing how much travel time you used on certain properties.

  • Seeing how efficient you were as a company.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Actual vs Budgeted Man Hours.

What does the report show (detailed version)?

Date: Date that the job was done.

Name: Displays the customer’s property name.

Job Name: Displays the name of the job that is being displayed.

Job Number: Displays the job number for the job that is being displayed.

Crew: Displays the crew assigned to the job that is being displayed.

Budgeted Time: Time that the job was budgeted to be done. The budgeted time comes from the man hour rating under the Jobs>Job Detail tab.

Actual Time: The actual amount of time that it took to do the job. This is based on the start/stop time that you entered when you marked the job as completed.

Difference: The difference between the budgeted time and the actual amount of time that the job took.

Travel Time: The amount of time to go to the job and come back from the job based on what was recorded when the job was marked as completed.

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

Crew range: Allows you to see the information for just a specific crew or a specific crew range (eg. crews 1 to 30).

Customer range: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (eg. customers 1 to 1000).

Job numbers: Allows you to see information for specific job numbers, or a range of jobs. To select just jobs 1, 2, and 5 you would type in “1,2,5.” To see jobs 1 to 100, you would enter 1-100. To see all jobs, type in 1-9999.

Date range: Allows you to see information for a specific time period. Type in the start date for the beginning of the period you would like to see and type in the stop date for the day that you would like to end.

This report sorts by:

Number: Sorts by the customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first, then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Name: Sorts by using the customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Customer, Crew: Sorts by using the customers’ account number in your system, and then sorts by the crew number.

Crew: This option will sort all of the work by crew number. It will give you the dollars per hour figures, but also will include the “total hours budgeted” and the “job efficiency” rating for the crew.

Sort by Dollars per Hour: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Sort Travel Time: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Other options:

Only jobs over/under projected times: This option will only include jobs that are different from the scheduled time. This will usually make it so that any time and material type jobs don’t show up on the report.

Graph: Creates a graph of the information.

Summary: Creates a summary of the data instead of showing each line.

Output to Excel: Creates a spreadsheet of the data.

Budgeted Vs Actual - GANTT chart

The actual vs. budgeted GANTT chart report helps you to find out how well you are doing on jobs/customers compared to what you are trying to make. It gives you a good idea of how well the season went/is going compared to what you expected. This report only shows the last 30 days of each calendar year, going from the date you process report back to last 30 days.

This report is useful for seeing how many hours you sold to a commercial customers account and how many you have used up for a commercial account.

What can you do with this report?

  • See how close you were to using up all of the budgeted man hours.

  • See how much time you have left for a company’s account.

  • Manipulate numbers in excel and seeing how much time you have spent on a customer’s account for each service you did for them.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Budgeted vs. Actual Gantt Chart

What does the report show (detailed version)?

Item: Displays the name of the job that is being displayed.

OCC: Displays the max number of times that the job is supposed to be done (occurrences).

Hrs per Occ: Man hours budgeted for the job here.

Extended hours: Displays the number of total hours for the season (Occurrences x Hours per occurrence).

Month Budget: Displays the number of hours that were budgeted for that month.

Month Actual: Displays the number of hours that you posted for that month.

Total OCC Posted: Shows the total number of times that you have recorded the service as done.

Total Budgeted Posted: Shows the total number of hours budgeted for the number of times that you have recorded the service as done.

Total Actual Posted: Shows the total number of hours that you have recorded to the service as it was done.

Total Available Budget: Displays the total number of budgeted hours left for the job.

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

For customers from: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (e.g. customers 1 to 1000).

Crews: Allows you to see information for specific crew numbers, or a range of crews. To select just crews 1, 2, and 5, type it in “1,2,5”. To see crews 1 to 100, you would enter  1-100. To see all crews, type in 1-999.

For Calendar Year: Allows you to see information for a specific calendar year (this year or earlier).

Include Jobs on hold: This will include any jobs that are on hold for the customer in the report.

Include Customers on Hold: This will only show customers that have a status of on hold (they are not a current customer with your company).

This report sorts by:

Customer Number: Sorts by the customer's account number in your system. It will create a separate excel sheet (tab) for each customer number, and then create a final tab (sheet) for the totals for all of your customers.   

Manager Budgeted Vs. Actual


Manager budgeted vs. actual report will compare the budgeted hours to the actual hours after work has been posted as done. 

What can you do with this report?

  • Seeing how close you were to your budgeted man hour goals.

  • Seeing how much travel time you used on certain properties.

  • Seeing how efficient you were as a company.

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Manager Budgeted Vs. Actual.

What does the report show (detailed version)?

Date: Date that the job was done.

Property Name: Displays the customer’s property name.

Job Name: Displays the name of the job that is being displayed.

Budgeted Time: Time that the job was budgeted to be done. The budgeted time comes from the man hour rating under the jobs in the job detail tab.

Actual Time: The actual amount of time that it took to do the job. This is based on the start/stop time that you entered when you marked the job as completed.

Difference: The difference between the budgeted time and the actual amount of time that the job took.

Travel Time: The amount of time to go to the job and come back from the job based on what was recorded when the job was marked as complete.

Labor Hours: This is a section that is displaying the Budgeted Time, Actual Time, Travel Time and Difference. 

Part Name: Name of the chemical/material. (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals List)

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

Crew range: Allows you to see the information for just a specific crew or a specific crew range (eg. crews 1 to 30).

Customer range: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (eg. customers 1 to 1000).

Job numbers: Allows you to see information for specific job numbers, or a range of jobs. To select just jobs 1, 2, and 5 you would type “1,2,5”. To see jobs 1 to 100, you would enter 1-100. To see all jobs, type in 1-9999.

Date range: Allows you to see information for a specific time period. Type in the start date for the beginning of the period you would like to see and type in the stop date for the day that you would like to end.

This report sorts by:

Number: Sorts by the customer's account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first, and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Name: Sorts by using the customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Customer, Crew: Sorts by using the customer's account numbers in your system, and then sorts by the crew number.

Crew: This option will sort all of the work by crew number. It will give you the dollars per hour figures, but also includes the “total hours budgeted” and the “job efficiency” rating for the crew.

Sort by Dollars per Hour: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Sort Travel Time: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) dollars highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Job List


This is a report of Pattern Jobs. This report is showing a detailed version of the same printed report from Pattern Jobs. This report is used to show the main pattern list of jobs that a company would offer. 

What can you do with this report?

  • See detailed list of services the company offers.

  • Compare job details to see what changes need to be applied.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Job List

What does the report show (detailed version)?

Next: The next time the job will be done.

Last: The last time the job was done.

Preferred Day: Day of the week that the job is setup to be done on. If there are multiple days, this will be the first day of the week.

Hold Status: Status of the job (whether the job is marked on hold or active status).

Related or Not Related

Job Type: The job type field that is selected in the Pattern Job list.

Custom Letters: The custom letters field that is selected in the Job Detail screen.

Custom Numbers: The custom numbers field that is selected in the Job Detail screen.

Crew Number: The crew number field that is selected in the Job Detail screen.

Route Sequence: Routing sequence number for the job.

Map Location: This is if you use map location which is inside of the Job Detail.

Minimum Jobs per Year: The Min field inside the Job Detail screen.

Maximum Jobs per Year: The Max field inside the Job Detail screen.

Done to Date: The Done To Date field inside the Job Detail screen.

Charge per Job: Amount of the job displayed inside the Job Detail screen. 

Man Hour Rating: This is what man hour rating you have listed in the job.

Charge Over Max: This is the Charge Over Max field inside the Job Detail screen.

Charge Per Hour: This is the Charge Per Hour field inside the Job Detail screen.

Area: This comes from the Job Detail. If you have this filled out, it would be the square footage.

Tax Type: The Tax Type is whether the job is taxable or not. This is found inside the Job Detail screen.

Averge Time: This is if you use the average time field which is inside of the Job Detail.

Part of Contract or Not Included In Contract will be displayed here.

How does it narrow down (filter) the results? 

Customer range: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (eg. customers 1 to 1000).

Choose Report: This drop-down allows you to either print/preview the Job Detail, Job Detail with Picture and Job Detail with Picture plus. The picture options are only if you use the Property Pictures option from the Property Info tab.

Include On Hold: This will include any customers that are on hold for the customer in the report.

Show 'On Hold' Only: This will only show customers that have a status of on hold (they are not a current customer with your company).

Show Active Only: This will only show customers that have a status of active and their active jobs.

Choose Report:



Other Options:

No other options, but this report can also be printed from the Pattern Jobs button on the main screen. That report will print in Detail and Summary. The summary of that report will show a big list of Pattern Jobs.

Season Summary Report


Season summary report lets you know how many of hours/dollars you have left in the season, or if you use the season week’s section of it. It will project how many hours/dollars you will have for the season per week.

What can you do with this report? 

  • Find out how many people you will need to hire.

  • Seeing how many hours you have sold for the year.

  • Seeing how many dollars you have sold for the year.

  • Seeing how you are doing to date in the season.

  • Seeing how much work you have left to do for the season. 

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports> Season Summary Report

What does the report show?

Actual report printout:

Job number: The number of the job.

Count: The number of items on the report so far (shows at the bottom of the column).

Sq.Ft.: The number of square feet for the job based on how many times you are going to do it (a 2000 square foot lawn done 28 times would be 56000 square feet).

Done: How many times the job has been done up to that point. I.e., 5 = the job has been done 5 times.

Name: The customer’s property name.

Number: The customer’s account number.

Inv Date: The invoice date (if the job was printed through Daily routines>Print route sheets>Route Sheet Invoices).

Inv Num: The invoice number assigned to the job (if the job was printed through Daily routines>Print route sheets>Route Sheet Invoices).

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

Active Customers Only: If this is selected, only active customers will display on the report.

Include all Jobs: Allows you to see information for all of the jobs in CLIP.

Only Active Jobs: Allows you to see only the jobs that are marked as active in your system (basically jobs that you are planning on doing).

Only Active Jobs: Allows you to see the jobs that are marked as active in your system and the jobs that have been done at least once this year.

Job numbers: Allows you to see information for a range of jobs. To select just job 1, use jobs 1 to 1. To see jobs 1 to 100 you would enter 1 to 100. To see all jobs, type in 1-9999.

This report sorts by:

Property Name: The customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it in alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Customer #: The customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Property Street: This will sort using the customer’s street first (103 Adams Street would show before 99 Baylor Avenue).

Other options:

Detail Listing?: Prints out a separate line for each job.

What does this report do button: Gives you a summary of what the report does

Report numbers on the screen (not the printout report):

Season weeks: The number of weeks for your season. For Florida or other places where you cut all year, you would use 52 weeks.

Total Amount: Total dollars for the options that you chose.

Total Man Hours: The total number of budgeted man hours for the options that you chose.

Avg. Amount Per week: Average dollars per week based on the number of weeks that you chose (total amount/# of season weeks) for the options that you chose.

Avg. Man Hours Per week: Average budgeted man hours per week based on the number of weeks that you chose (total budgeted man hours/# of season weeks) for the options that you chose.

Job Summary Report

The job summary report gives an at a glance view of budgeted man hours vs. actual man hours. Like the job costing report without pricing.

What can you do with this report?

  • At a glance, view of time spent on jobs vs. the time that has been budgeted.

  • Can also be sent to Excel for further data manipulation.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Job Summary

What does the report show?

Date Printed: The date the report was printed.

Customer Name: Customer’s property name.

Customer Number: Customer’s account number.

Job Details: Below this will be all the jobs done for the date range.

Job Number: Job number.

Job Name: Name of the job (description).

Budgeted Hours: Total budgeted hours recorded for the date range.

Actual Hours: Total actual hours recorded for the date range.

Difference: Budgeted hours minus the actual hours.

Done By Date #: How many times the job has been done up to that point. I.e., 5 = the job has been done 5 times

Totals: Budgeted hours, actual hours, difference, and done by date numbers all added up per customer.

Grand Totals: Budgeted hours, actual hours, difference, and done by date numbers added up for all customers on the report.

What information can I filter?

Crew Range: This option allows you to set a crew range for the report.

Customer Range: This option allows you to set the customer range.

Job Number: This option allows you to set the job number range.

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the information that you want to get for the report.

This report sorts by:

Customer Number: The first customer that has jobs available in the date range will print then the next customer. I.e., Customer 1, Customer 2, Customer 3, etc.

Other options:

Active Customers Only: If this is selected, only active customers will display on the report.

Accounting Projected Labour and Materials


The accounting projected labour and material report helps you determine what job is on a particular schedule. This report is similar to the Schedule Report except that it shows a summary for each crew with the gross budgeted labor cost and the materials that will be required.

What can you do with this report?

  • See information on customer's scheduled jobs.

  • Filter by date, crew, and other filter options to determine what job was done last.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Accounting Projected Labour and Material

What does the report show? 

Mhrs: This is what man hour rating you have listed in the job.

Date: Date that the job was done.

For Crew: Crew number.

Budgeted Man Hours: Total budgeted man hours for the crew.

Part Number: The part number assigned to the material/chemical (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs).

Part Name: Name of the chemical/material (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs).

Total Quantity: Total quantity of the chemical/material.

Total Cost: Total cost of the chemical/material.

This report sorts by:

Start date: The date that you want to start including jobs that will be scheduled.

Stop date: The date that you want to stop including jobs that will be scheduled.

Crews: This is where you would enter the crew or crew range you wish to see.

Jobs: You can enter one job or a range of jobs by using 1-9999, or if you want only certain job numbers you can use 1,4,6,9. If you’d like all, you can leave the field blank and it will show all the crews for the date range.

Customer from: You can pick one customer or a range of customers.

Include jobs on Hold: This box being checked allows you to see jobs on hold.

Owners Budgeted vs Actual

The owners budgeted vs actual report shows an overview by month of labor hours and costs as well as materials budgeted costs vs actual costs. The filters allow you to sort the report down by the type of service based on the current job category that is setup in each job.

What can you do with this report?

  • Seeing how close you were to your budgeted man hour goals.

  • Seeing how much travel time you used on certain properties.

  • Seeing how efficient you were as a company.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports> Owners Budgted vs Actual Report.

What does the report show (detailed version)?

Labor Hours Budgeted and Actual: This is a section that is displaying the Budgeted Time, Actual Time, Travel Time, and Difference. 

Date: Date that the job was done.

Property Name: Displays the customer’s property name.

Job Name: Displays the name of the job that is being displayed.

Labor Cost Budgeted: Time that the job was budgeted to be done. The budgeted time comes from the man hour rating under the jobs in the job detail tab.

Actual Time: The actual amount of time that it took to do the job. This is based on the start/stop time that you entered when you marked the job as complete.

Difference: The difference between the budgeted time and the actual amount of time that the job took.

Travel Time: The amount of time to go to the job and come back from the job based on what was recorded when the job was marked as completed. 

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

Customer range: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (eg. customers 1 to 1000).

Crew range: Allows you to see the information for just a specific crew or a specific crew range (eg. crews 1 to 30).

Date range: Allows you to see information for a specific time period. Type in the start date for the beginning of the period you would like to see and type in the stop date for the day that you would like to end.

Account Manager: Allows you to filter based on the Acct Manager field in the Customer List screen.

Job Category: Allows you to filter based on the Job Category field setup on the Job Detail screen.

This report sorts by:

Number: Sorts by the customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Name: Sorts by using the customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it in alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Customer, Crew: Sorts by using the customers’ account number in your system, and then sorts by the crew number.

Crew: This option will sort all of the work by crew number. It will give you the dollars per hour figures, but will also include the “total hours budgeted” and the “job efficiency” rating for the crew.

Sort by Dollars per Hour: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Sort Travel Time: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Job Materials Report

The job materials report shows a list of jobs that have materials/chemicals that have been posted for the given date range.

What can you do with this report?

  • See how much chemical/material has been used (does not include active quantity to print out on the report. For chemicals see the chemicals report, or programs and rounds section).

  • See which customers have specific materials/chemicals and when they were applied.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Job Materials Report.

What does the report show?

Part Number: The part number assigned to the material/chemical (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs).

Part Name: Name of the chemical/material (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs).

Quantity: Total quantity of the chemical/material.

Unit of Measure: Shows the measurement unit for the quantity (e.g. Lbs, square foot).

Date: Date the material/chemical was used for the job (posting date of the job).

County Code: County code setup for the customer in the customer’s account.

Name: Customer’s property name where the material/chemical was applied.

Property Address: Address where the chemical/material was applied.

City: City of the customer’s property.

Zip Code: Zip code of the customer’s property.

What information can I filter by?

Crew Range: This option allows you to see materials for a specific group of crews on the report.

Customer Range: This option allows you to set the customer range.

Job Number: This option allows you to set the job number range.

Part Name: This option allows you to filter for a specific part name (from the chemical setup list in System > Chemicals/Materials > Materials in Jobs).

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.

This report sorts by:

Date: The report lists the jobs by order of date.

Material Projection Report

The material projection report shows the projected list of materials/chemicals that are scheduled.

What can you do with this report?

  • See how much chemical/material has been used (does not include active quantity to print out on the report. For chemicals, see the chemicals report or programs and rounds section).

  • See which customers have specific materials/chemicals and when they were applied.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Material Projection Report.

What does the report show?

Part Number: The part number assigned to the material/chemical (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs).

Part Name: Name of the chemical/material (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs).

Quantity: Total quantity of the chemical/material.

Unit of Measure: Shows the measurement unit for the quantity (e.g. Lbs, square foot).

Date: Date the material/chemical was used for the job (posting date of the job).

County Code: County code setup for the customer in the customer’s account.

Name: Customer’s property name where the material/chemical was applied.

Property Address: Address where the chemical/material was applied.

City: City of the customer’s property.

Zip Code: Zip code of the customer’s property.

What information can I filter by?

Crew Range: This option allows you to see materials for a specific group of crews on the report.

Customer Range: This option allows you to set the customer range.

Job Number: This option allows you to set the job number range.

Part Name: This option allows you to filter for a specific part name (from the chemical setup list in System > Chemicals/Materials > Materials in Jobs).

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.

Contract Comparison Report

This report compares the installment amounts to the amounts that you entered for the value of the job and gives you a comparison of these two totals. This allows you to compare contract customer’s installments to the actual value of the work that you did.

What can you do with this report?

  • Get a total amount that contract customers paid you.

  • Get a total value for the work that you did based on the charge per job entered for the contract. 

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Contract Comparison.

What does the report show?

Sort by Option: Property name or customer account number.

Customer # (0 for all): This option allows you to run the report for all

customers or just a specific customer.

Date Range: Click the Start Date & Stop Date for a date range.

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