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[CLIPxe/QCLIPxe] Customer Reports
[CLIPxe/QCLIPxe] Customer Reports

Reports in CLIP from reports > customer reports - We describe where they are, how to get them and what they do for you!

Jonathan Conaway avatar
Written by Jonathan Conaway
Updated over a week ago

Customer Reports

Customer List


The customer list report gives you a list of customer information including information regarding their monthly installments (payments) to you. 

What can you do with this report?

  • Provides a list of all of the customers in your database along with their phone numbers. You can call through your customer list for marketing purposes.

  • Gives you an idea of expected income from your installment customers.

  • Allows you to see how many customers you have on a street (if you sort by street name).

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at reports>customer reports>customer list.

What does the report show?

Name: Displays the customer's property name.

Num: Displays the customer's account number.

Property Address: Displays the customer's property address.

Home Telephone: Shows the customer's home telephone number.

Work Telephone: Shows the customer's work telephone number.

Fax Telephone: Shows the customer’s fax number, or the number that you put in the fax number section.

Pager Telephone: Shows the telephone number that you entered for the pager/cell phone number.

Last line (with installments only): Shows the installment month that you specified and the amount for each customer for that month.

How does it narrow down (filter) the customers?

Include Pattern Customers: This option allows you to include your pattern customers from the pattern customer’s screen.

Include On Hold Customers: This option allows you to include customers that have a status of “on hold.” Usually, these are customers that no longer do business with you.

Only Records marked as Customers: This option allows you to include only the records that are marked as customers. You can see the option for marking customers on the main screen for a customer.

This report sorts by:

Property Name: The customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it by alphabetic order.

Customer #: The customer's account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number (least to greatest).

Property Street: This will sort using the customer’s street name first (104 Adams Street would show before 23 Baylor Avenue).

Other options:

Landscape: Prints the report horizontally instead of vertically.

Show Contract Amount: Shows the installment amount for the month that you specify for any customers that are setup with contracts in Clipxe (to see a contract installment, go to the customer’s account > financials tab > installments tab).

Show City/State/Zip: Shows the city, state, and zip for the customer on the report.

Customer History Report


The history report gives you a list of work recorded, notes recorded, checks entered, installments processed, and skipped jobs.

What can you do with this report? 

  • You can see what transactions were entered for the customer based on the date range you enter.

  • Shows the customer’s balance for the date range that you choose. 

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Customer Reports>History.

And you can also find it at:

Click Files>File Maintenance> Select a Customer> and then select the History tab. 

What does the report show you?

Line #: The sequence number for when the line item was entered.

Date: The date entered when posting the line item.

Amount: The amount that was charged.

Code: Every line item has a code:

D: No Tax Debit
L: Labor Tax
M: Material Tax
W: Invoice Note
S: Skipped job
C: Credit
N: Previous Balance
X: Note for a skipped job
%: Service charge
0: Current due
3: 30 Days overdue
6: 60 Days overdue
9: 90 Days overdue

Description: The name of the transaction recorded.

Man Hours: Shows the time recorded for the service.

GL Credit: Credit amount.

GL Debit: General ledger debit amount (value of the job if it is a contract

or prepayment job).

GL Amount: Total amount that the customer was charged.


Show GL Amounts: Shows you the general ledger amounts.

Show Man Hours: Shows the time recorded for the service.

Only Credits and Debits: Will give you a list of credits and debits entered for the customer.

Include contract jobs: Any jobs that are part of contract or pre pay.

Include skipped jobs: For any services you had to skip, checking this box will show you the skipped services and the notes that belong to each service.

Summary or Detail:

Summary: Individual lines will not be displayed on the report, only the totals.

Detail: Each day will print out with each specific job that had been done.

Other options:

Screen (shows only first customer): Based on the start and stop range you have selected, this report allows you to preview the first customer’s history report.

Print: This prints the history of the customers in the customer range and the date range you have selected.

Things to know:

If the job is part of contract or prepay, the amount will be 0.00. However, the GL amount should reflect the charge per job.

If both the GL Amount and the Amount is 0.00, either the job doesn’t have an amount under charge per job or charge per hour. If the job is part of contract or a prepay, check the done to date and see if it has reached its max. If you don’t have a dollar figure in the charge over max, the value of the job would be 0.00.

If you have qCLIPxe, you won’t see any credits since you enter credits inside of QuickBooks. 

Customer Contact Management Report 

The contact management report gives you a list of tasks assigned to CLIP users regarding customer's accounts. For more information on how CMS (contact management system) works in qCLIPxe/CLIPxe, see Help>Help Manuals>Contact Management System.

What can you do with this report?

  • Gives you a report of all tasks that you have due by user. You could use this as a “to do” list for people in the office. 

  • Shows you activities that were completed for customers. This would allow you to see all correspondence recorded between your company and the customer.

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Customer Reports>Contact Management.

What does the report show?

Property: Displays the customer’s account number and property name.

Priority: Displays the priority number assigned to the task.

Activity: Displays the type of activity that is/was required.

Assigned to: Shows the user in CLIP that is assigned the task.

Created by: Shows the user in CLIP that created the task.

Notes: Shows the notes regarding the task.

Date Added: Shows the date that the task was entered into the system.

Due Date: Shows the due date for the task (when the task is supposed to be finished).

How does it narrow down (filter) customers?

Date due range: This option allows you to show only tasks that are due within a certain date range.

Activities: This option allows you to include only tasks that are a certain activity type. For example, you could select only “call backs” if you only wanted to see tasks that are call backs.

Activity Status: This option allows you to show only tasks that have not been finished, tasks that have been finished, or include all finished or not finished tasks.

This report sorts by:

Priority: This option allows you to see the priorities in order by the most important to least important (priority 1 to priority 5).

Activity: This option will sort by the activity name. If you have an activity called Call Back, the tasks marked with Call Back would appear before a task named Inspection.

Status: This will sort using the tasks current status (complete, incomplete).

Customer: The customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will do it by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Person Assigned: This will sort using the person assigned to the task.

Other options:

Summary: Prints the report with basic customer information with multiple tasks on each page.

Detailed: Prints each customer on a separate page, but includes more customer and task information on the print out.

Customer Analysis Report


The customer analysis report shows you the work that you have done for a customer and credits what you have received for a specific time period. This report can be helpful to see how much you do in sales for different customers. It will also show you what work contract/installment work you did for your customers for the season.

What can you do with this report? 

  • You can use this report to see how much “extra work” (per service) you sold to your installment customers during the date range that you specified.

  • This report also gives you an idea of how much money you are expecting to get from your installment customers.

  • Gives you a summary of each customer’s account for a specific time period. 

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Customer Report> Customer Analysis

What does the report Show?

Num: Displays the customer’s account number.

Name: Displays the customer’s property name.

# of Jobs: Displays the number of non-contract jobs the customer had during the time period.

Man Hours: Displays the number of non-contract jobs man hours recorded that the customer had during the time period.

Amount: Shows the charge for non-contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

GL Amount: Shows the charge for non-contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

Mat. Cost: Shows the material costs for non-contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

$/Hour: Shows the dollars per hour worked for non-contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

Credits: Shows the number of credits for the customer during the time period.

$ Credits: Shows the total dollar amount of credits entered into CLIP for the customer during the time period.

Installments: Shows the number of installments charged to the customer during the time period.

$ Install: Shows the total amount for the installments charged to the customer during the time period.

Cnt Jobs: Displays the number of contract jobs the customer had during the time period.

Cnt Mhrs: Displays the number of contract jobs man hours recorded that the customer had during the time period.

Cnt Amt: Shows the charge for contract jobs (should be 0) for the customer during the time period.

Cnt GL Amt: Shows the value per visit for contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

Cnt Mat Cost: Shows the material costs for contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

$/Hour: Shows the dollars per hour worked for contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

Serv. Chrgs: Shows the number of service charges for the customer during the time period.

Serv. $.: Shows the total amount for service charges charged to the customer during the time period.

How does it narrow down (filter) customers?

Start Date: This option allows you to include jobs done since a specific date.

Stop Date: This option allows you to include jobs ending on a specific date.

Active Customers: This option allows you to include customers that have a status of active (current customers) in your system.

On Hold Customers: This option allows you to include customers that have a status of “on hold” or inactive customers in your system.

Show Activity Only: This option only includes customers in the report that have transactions, jobs, installments, or service charges for the time period.

Start with Customer #: This option allows you to include a range of customers by their account number. Enter the beginning customer number here.

End with Customer #: This option allows you to include a range of customers by their account number. Enter the ending customer number here.

This report sorts by:

$ per Hour: This option will sort by the dollar per hour for non-contract/prepay work.

Gross Sales: This option will sort by the total amount for non-contract/prepay work.

Name: The customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Number: The customer's account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first, then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Other options:

Landscape: Prints it on the page in wide format. Instead of printing vertical, it will print horizontal.

Show Contract Amount: Shows the installment amount for the month that you specify for any customers that are setup with contracts in CLIPxe (to see a contract installment go to the customer’s account>financials tab>installments tab).

Show City/State/Zip: Shows the city, state, and zip for the customer on the report. 


The print payment coupons report allows you to print out coupons that the customer can send in with their monthly installments. You can also put zero amounts on them for your prepay customers if they have prepaid for the season.

What can you do with this report?

  • This report gives you coupons that you can have your customer print off and send back to you with their checks each month.

  • Helps with printing reminders for your customer (similar to a payment book for your contract customers).

  • They can be used with preprinted forms from CLIP.

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at reports>customer reports>customer list.

What does the report show?

Date: Displays a spot for the customer to write the date.

Check No: Displays a spot for the customer to write the check number.

Amount: Displays a spot for the customer to put the amount that they are paying.

From: Displays the customer's billing address.

Date Due: Displays the date due based on what you select from the options screen.

Please Remit to: Gives your companies information so the customer knows where to send the check.

How does it narrow down (filter) customers?

Installment customers: This report will only print for customers that are marked as installment customers in qCLIPxe/CLIPxe. 

Include On Hold Customers: This option allows you to include customers that have a status of “on hold.” Usually, these are customers that no longer do business with you.

Only Records marked as Customers: This option allows you to include only the records that are marked as customers. You can see the option for marking customers on the main screen for a customer:

Customer range: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (eg. customers 1 to 1000).

This report sorts by:

Property Name: This option sorts by the customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Customer #: The customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first, then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Other options:

Checkboxes for each month: If the month is checked, it will include a payment for that month with the due date specified.

Change day of the month to: Changes the day of the month for the due date for all of the months.

Change month Back 1: Changes all of the due date’s months back by 1 month.

Change month Forward 1: Changes all of the due date’s months forward by 1 month.

Starting month: Specifies which month to start with when printing the report.

Print Company Name: Specifies whether or not to print out your company name on the report. If you leave it unchecked, it will print your company logo.

Print Zero Amounts: Prints out all the customers that have 0 amounts in for their installments and puts in the note underneath.

Form: Gives you different layouts that you can use. Two of the layouts in this drop down menu are meant to be used with a preprinted form available from CLIPFORMS - click here.

Cover Letter: Prints out a cover letter for the customer that has the installment amounts on it.

Source Report

The source report lists total revenue prices given for customers by date range including customers on hold and project totals. If a specific source is not selected before running the report (leaving the pull-down menu blank), it will by default select all options for the source.

The prices are then totaled together on the last page for all the sources selected. This report outputs the information to your screen and then allows you to print.

What can you do with this report?
View total revenue by source to see which marketing method is most effective.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Customer Reports> Source Report.

What does the report show?
Date: Displays the date of the source report.

Customer #: List of customer numbers sorted from 1-9999.

Name: Customer name.

Source: The source that you got the customer from (referral, website, etc.).

Price: Total prices for customers listed in each source category.

Filter Options Include:

Preparation Options: Include customers on hold or include projects (projects module customers only).

Print Options: A detailed source report or a summary of the source report with a smaller condensed summary of the detailed version.

Source Options
This is based on the selection on the source menu in the customer list screen.

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