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[CLIPxe/QCLIPxe] CLIP Reports
[CLIPxe/QCLIPxe] CLIP Reports
Jonathan Conaway avatar
Written by Jonathan Conaway
Updated over a week ago

This article will give you information about each report, what it does, and how to use it. Reports are important because you have to know that you are being successful in achieving your goal. If you aren’t measuring it, then you will never know how close or far you are from accomplishing your goal.


  • Customer Reports

  • Job Reports

  • Programs and Rounds Reports

  • Sales Reports (CLIPxe)

  • Custom Reports

  • Link Reports

  • Employee Reports

  • Sales Person Reports

  • Crew Member Report

  • Chemicals Reports

Customer Reports

Customer List


The "Customer List" report gives you a list of customers including information regarding their monthly installments (payments) to you.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports> Customer Reports>Customer List.

What does the Report show?

Name: Displays the customer's property name.

Num: Displays the customer's account number.

Property Address: Displays the customer's property address.

Home Telephone: Shows the customer's home telephone number.

Work Telephone: Shows the customer's work telephone number.

Fax Telephone: Shows the customer’s fax number, or the number that you put in the fax number section.

Pager Telephone: Shows the telephone number that you entered for pager/cell phone number.

Last line (with installments only): Shows the installment month that you specified and the amount for each customer for that month.

How does it narrow down (filter) the customers?

Include Pattern Customers: This option allows you to include your pattern customers from the pattern customer’s screen.

Include On Hold Customers: This option allows you to include customers that have a status of “on hold.” Usually these are customers that no longer do business with you.

Only Records marked as Customers: This option allows you to include only the records that are marked as customers. You can see the option for marking customers on the main screen for a customer.

This report sorts by:

Property Name: The customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it in alphabetic order.

Customer #: The customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort it by account number (least to greatest).

Property Street: This will sort using the customer’s street name first (so 104 Adams Street would show before 23 Baylor Avenue).

Other options:

Landscape: Prints the report horizontally instead of vertically.

Show Contract Amount: Shows the installment amount for the month that you specify for any customers that are setup with contracts in Clipxe (to see a contract installment go to the customer’s account > financials tab > installments tab).

Show City/State/Zip: Shows the city, state, and zip for the customer on the report.

Customer History Report


The history report gives you a list of work recorded, notes recorded, checks entered, installments processed, and skipped jobs.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Customer Reports>History.

And you can also find it at:

Click Files>File Maintenance.
Select a customer then select the history tab.

What does the report show you?

Line #: The sequence number for when the line item was entered.

Date: The date entered when posting the line item.

Amount: The amount that was charged.

Code: Every line item has a code:
 D: No Tax Debit
 L: Labor Tax
 M: Material Tax
 W: Invoice Note
 S: Skipped job
C: Credit
N: Previous Balance
X: Note for a skipped job
%: Service charge
0: Current due
3: 30 Days overdue
6: 60 Days overdue
9: 90 Days overdue

Description: The name of the transaction recorded.

Man Hours: Shows the time recorded for the service.

GL Credit: Credit amount.

GL Debit: General ledger debit amount (value of the job if it is a contract

or prepayment job).

GL Amount: Total amount that the customer was charged.


Show GL Amounts: Shows you the general ledger amounts.

Show Man Hours: Shows the time recorded for the service.

Only Credits and Debits: Will give you a list of credits and debits entered for the customer.

Include contract jobs: Any jobs that are part of contract or pre pay

Include skipped jobs: For any services you had to skip, checking this box will show you the skipped services and the notes that belong to each service.

Summary or Detail:

Summary: Individual lines will not be displayed on the report, only totals.

Detail: Each day will print out with each specific job that has been done.

Other options:

Screen (Shows only First Customer): Based on the start and stop range you have selected, this report will allow you to preview the first customer’s history report.

Print: This prints the history of the customers in the customer range and the date range you have selected.

Things to know:

If the job is part of contract or prepay, the amount will be 0.00. However, the GL amount should reflect the charge per job.

If both the GL amount and the amount is 0.00, the job may not have an amount under charge per job/charge per hour or the job may be a contract or prepay. If this is the case, check the done to date and see if it has reached its max. If you don’t have a dollar figure in the charge over max, the value of the job would be 0.00.

If you have qCLIPxe, you won’t see any credits since you enter credits inside of QuickBooks.

Customer Contact Management Report

The contact management report gives you a list of tasks assigned to CLIP users regarding customers’ accounts. For more information on how CMS (contact management system) works in qCLIPxe/CLIPxe, see Help>Help Manuals>Contact Management System.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Customer Reports>Contact Management.

What does the report show?

Property: Displays the customer’s account number and property name.

Priority: Displays the priority number assigned to the task.

Activity: Displays the type of activity that is/was required.

Assigned to: Shows the user in clip that is assigned the task.

Created by: Shows the user in clip that created the task.

Notes: Shows the notes regarding the task.

Date Added: Shows the date that the task was entered into the system.

Due Date: Shows the due date for the task (when the task is supposed to be finished).

How does it narrow down (filter) Customers?

Date due range: This option allows you to show only tasks that are due within a certain date range.

Activities: This option allows you to include only tasks that are a certain activity type. For example, you could select only “call backs” if you only wanted to see tasks that are call backs.

Activity Status: This option allows you to show only tasks that have not been finished, tasks that have been finished, or include all finished/unfinished tasks.

This report Sorts by:

Priority: This option allows you to see the priorities in order by the most important to least important (Priority 1 to Priority 5)

Activity: This option will sort by the activity name. If you have an activity called "call back", the tasks marked with "call back" would appear before a task named "inspection."

Status: This will sort using the tasks current status (complete/incomplete).

Customer: The customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort them by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.)

Person Assigned: This will sort using the person assigned to the task.

Other options:

Summary: Prints the report of basic customer information with multiple tasks on each page.

Detailed: Prints each customer on a separate page, but includes more customer and task information on the print out.

Customer Analysis Report


The customer analysis report shows you the work that you have done for a customer and credits what you have received for a specific time period. This report can be helpful to see how much you do in sales for different customers. It will also show you what contract/installment work you did for your customers for the season.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Customer Reports>Customer Analysis.

What does the report Show?

Num: Displays the customer’s account number.

Name: Displays the customer’s property name.

# of Jobs: Displays the number of non-contract jobs the customer had during the time period.

Man Hours: Displays the number of non-contract jobs man hours recorded that the customer had during the time period.

Amount: Shows the charge for non-contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

GL Amount: Shows the charge for non-contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

Mat. Cost: Shows the material cost for non-contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

$/Hour: Shows the dollars per hour worked for non-contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

Credits: Shows the number of credits for the customer during the time period.

$ Credits: Shows the total dollar amount of credits entered into CLIP for the customer during the time period.

Installments: Shows the number of installments charged to the customer during the time period.

$ Install: Shows the total amount for the installments charged to the customer during the time period.

Cnt Jobs: Displays the number of contract jobs the customer had during the time period.

Cnt Mhrs: Displays the number of contract job man hours recorded that the customer had during the time period.

Cnt Amt: Shows the charge for contract jobs (should be 0) for the customer during the time period.

Cnt GL Amt: Shows the value per visit for contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

Cnt Mat Cost: Shows the material costs for contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

$/Hour: Shows the dollars per hour worked for contract jobs for the customer during the time period.

Serv. Chrgs: Shows the number of service charges for the customer during the time period.

Serv. $.: Shows the total amount for service charges charged to the customer during the time period.

How does it narrow down (filter) Customers?

Start Date: This option allows you to include jobs done since a specific date.

Stop Date: This option allows you to include jobs ending on a specific date.

Active Customers: This option allows you to include customers that have a status of active (current customers) in your system.

On Hold Customers: This option allows you to include customers that have a status of “on hold” or inactive customers in your system.

Show Activity Only: This option only includes customers in the report that have transactions, jobs, installments, or service charges for the time period.

Start with Customer #: This option allows you to include a range of customers by their account number. Here is where you enter the beginning customer number. 

End with Customer #: This option allows you to include a range of customers by their account number. Here is where you enter the ending customer number. 

This report Sorts by:

$ per Hour: This option will sort by the dollar per hour for non-contract/prepay work.

Gross Sales: This option will sort by the total amount for non-contract/prepay work.

Name: The customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will do it by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.)

Number: The customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Other options:

Landscape: Prints it on the page in wide format. Instead of printing vertical, it will print horizontal.

Show Contract Amount: Shows the installment amount for the month that you specify for any customers that are setup with contracts in CLIPxe (to see a contract installment go to the customer’s account>financials tab> installments tab).

Show City/State/Zip: Shows the city, state, and zip for the customer on the report.

Print Payment Coupons


The print payment coupons report allows you to print out coupons that the customer can send in with their monthly installments. You can also put zero amounts on them for your prepay customers if they have prepaid for the season.

What can you do with this report? 

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at reports>customer reports>customer list.

What does the report Show?

Date: Displays a spot for the customer to write the date.

Check No: Displays a spot for the customer to write the check number.

Amount: Displays a spot for the customer to put the amount that they are paying.

From: Displays the customers billing address.

Date Due: Displays the date due based on what you select from the options screen.

Please Remit to: Gives your companies information so the customer knows where to send the check.

How does it narrow down (filter) customers?

Installment customers: This report will only print for customers that are marked as installment customers in qCLIPxe/CLIPxe.

Include On Hold Customers: This option allows you to include customers that have a status of “on hold.” Usually these are customers that no longer do business with you.

Only Records marked as Customers: This option allows you to include only the records that are marked as customers. You can see the option for marking customers on the main screen for a customer:

Customer range: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (eg. customers 1 to 1000).

This report Sorts by:

Property Name: This option sorts by the customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.)

Customer #: The customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Other options:

Checkboxes for each month: If the month is checked, it will include a payment for that month with the due date specified.

Change day of the month to: Changes the day of the month for the due date for all of the months.

Change month Back 1: Changes all of the due date’s months back by 1 month.

Change month Forward 1: Changes all of the due date’s months forward by 1 month.

Starting month: Specifies which month to start with when printing the report.

Print Company Name: Specifies whether or not to print out your company name on the report. If you leave it unchecked, it will print your company logo.

Print Zero Amounts: Prints out all the customers that have "0" amounts for their installments and puts in the note underneath.

Form: Gives you different layouts that you can use. Two of the layouts in this drop down menu are meant to be used with a preprinted form available from CLIPFORMS - click here.

Cover Letter: Prints out a cover letter with the installment amounts for the customer.

Source Report

The source report lists total revenue prices given for customers by date range including customers "on hold" and project totals. If a specific source is not selected before running the report (leaving the pull-down menu blank), it will select all options for the source. The prices are then totaled together on the last page for all the sources selected. This report outputs the information to your screen and allows you to print.

What can you do with this report?
View total revenue by source to see which marketing method is most effective.

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Customer Reports>Source Report.

What does the report show?
Date: Displays the date of the source report

Customer #: List of customer numbers sorted from 1-9999

Name: Customer name

Source: The source that you got the customer from (referral, website, etc.).

Price: Total prices for customers listed in each source category.

Filter Options Include:

Preparation Options: Include customers "on hold" or include projects (project module customers only).

Print Options: A detailed source report or a summary of the source report with a smaller condensed summary of the detailed version

Source Options
This is based on the selection on the source menu in the customer list screen.

Job Reports

Crew/Route Report

Shows the report specified by a crew range to give details on when, where, and other info outlining the work that the crew has performed.

This report has a modify button next to the print preview button. This allows the user to modify each field and was meant to allow easy modifications on the crew and route sequence numbers.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Crew/Route.

What does the report show you?

Crew Range: Range from 0-9999 can be selected.

Allows Sort by: Route number, crew, route (default option if nothing else selected), street name, map location, crew, street, crew, and zip code.

Filters: Only active customers (customers that are not on hold will be in RED on the customer list screen) and jobs that are on hold (jobs on hold will be in RED also).

What can you modify on this report?

Many fields are editable on this report, thus giving this report added detail on the specified crew.

Making changes to this report using the edit button will bring up the job detail screen.

Once making the changes from there, hit the return button and you will be brought back to the edit route information screen.

What can you narrow down by (filter)?

Sort Order: Route number, crew, route, street name, map location, crew, street name, crew, zip and job number.

Large Font checkbox: Enlarges the font for each field.

Edit Button: Brings up the job detail screen to easily find the information that you want to edit on this report. Double clicking on a field will also bring up the job detail screen.

Work Projections Report (Jobs)


The work projections report gives you a list of how your jobs are going to be scheduled in the future if the schedule doesn’t change (rain days, late days, etc.).

What can you do with this report? 

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Work Projections>Jobs.

Filter Options:

Start date: The date that you want to start including the jobs that will be scheduled.

Stop date: The date that you want to stop including the jobs that will be scheduled.

Crews: This is where you would enter the crew or crew range you wish to see.

Jobs: You can enter one job or a range of jobs by using 1-9999. If you want only certain job numbers you can use 1,4,6,9 or you can leave the field blank and it will show all the crews for the date range

Customer from: You can pick one customer or a range of customers.

Include jobs on Hold: This box being check allows you to see jobs on hold

Include Zone Jobs: If you have any jobs setup with zone scheduling (snow type/chemical type jobs) and want them to appear on the schedule as well,  check this box to include them.
Show Amount Charged: This will show you the cost of the job on the report.

Show Route Number: If you have a routing sequence number, this will show you the route number on the report.

Show Notes: This will show the route sheet notes. This only applies to print/preview by day.

What report options do you have:

Prepare Report: Once you have chosen your filters, you need to click on prepare report to be able to be given a report option.
Print/Preview by Day: This gives you a breakdown by day for the criteria you entered in the filters.

Print/Preview by Customer: This gives you a breakdown by customer for the criteria you entered in the filters.

Print Calendar: This allows you to print a calendar of your projected work for the filters you have entered. Depending on how much data you have for the day it might not look like the preview by calendar option.

Preview by Calendar: This gives a full month calendar so you can preview the work scheduled for the filters you have entered.

What information shows up on the print/preview by day:

This is the report with detail

This is the report with the summary

Name: Customer name.

Jobnum: This would show the customer number first and then the job number.

Cr: Crew number.

Jobname: Name of the job.

Route #: Routing sequence number for the job.

Amount: The amount inside.

Last: The last time the job was done.

Freq: These are the days between jobs.

Done: How many times you have recorded this job as done.

Mhrs: This is what man hour rating you have listed in the job.

Area: This comes from the job detail. If you have this filled out, it would be  square footage.

Map: This is if you use map location inside of the job detail.

What information shows up on the print/preview by customer version of the report?

The report with detail

The report with summary

Job for customer: Displays the customer name.

Address: The customer's address.

Jobs for: This is showing the jobs that will be scheduled for that date.

Jobnum: Show the customer's number and the job number.

Crew: Number of the crew assigned to the job.

Amount: The cost of the job.

Mhrs: This is the man hour rating you have listed in the job.

Area: This comes from the job detail. If you have this filled out, it would be the square footage.

Total Mhrs: This gives you the total hours for the month.

What information shows up on the print by calendar

What information shows up on the preview by calendar

Summary or detail:

Summary: No history will be displayed on the report, only the totals.

Detail: Each day will print out which specific job that has been done.
Report output: This only applies to print/preview by day and print/preview by customer.

To Printer: This goes to the printer.

To Screen: This allows you to preview the report before you print it.

To Ascii File: To an ASCII file will output the report to a text or .txt file to the desktop or wherever you save it to.

To Database: You can save the information as a database file.

To Excel: You can export the data to Microsoft Excel.

Things to know:

If you have a lot of information to display you might not want to print by calendar.

Schedule Report


The schedule report helps you determine what job is on a particular schedule.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Schedule Report.

What does the report show?

Date: Date that the job was done.

Name: Customer name.

Jobnum: This would show the customer number first and then the job number.

Cr: Crew number.

Jobname: Name of the job.

Last: The last time the job was done.

Freq: This are the days between jobs.

Done: How many times you have recorded this job as done.

Mhrs: This is what man hour rating you have listed in the job.

Area: This comes from the job detail. If you have this filled out, it would be the square footage.

This report sorts by:

Start date: The date that you want to start including the jobs that will be scheduled.

Stop date: The date that you want to stop including the jobs that will be scheduled.

Crews: This is where you would enter the crew or crew range that you wish to see.

Jobs: You can enter one job or a range of jobs by using 1-9999. If you want only certain job numbers you can use 1,4,6, or 9. If you’d like all, you can leave the field blank and it will show all the crews for the date range.

Customer from: You can pick one customer or a range of customers.

Include jobs on Hold: This box being checked allows you to see jobs "on hold."

Job Costing Report


The job costing report helps you find out which customers are the most profitable. It also shows you how much money you made on each customer/job based on how much you charged the customer and how much time it took to do the job for the customer.

You can use this report for adjusting customer pricing for next season.This is the key to finding out if your customers are profitable.

What can you do with this report? 

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Job Costing Report.

What does the report show (detailed version)?

Date: Date that the job was done.

Done #: The time that the job was done (1 would be the first time, 2 would be the second time, etc.)

Budgeted Time: Time that the job was budgeted to be done. This number comes from the man hour rating under the job detail tab.

Actual Time: The actual amount of time that it took to do the job. This is based on the start/stop time that you entered when you marked the job as completed.

Difference: The difference between the budgeted time and the actual amount of time that the job took.

Charge: How much you charged the customer for the job.

GL Amount: How much you charged the customer for the job. For installment customers, the charge will be 0.00 because you didn’t charge them per service. The GL amount will have the amount that the job was worth for job costing reports.

Material Cost: Material costs that were entered when the job was recorded.

Chemical Cost: Shows the amount of chemical costs that were recorded for programs and rounds when the job was completed.

Average dollars per hour: The average dollars per man hour on the job formula would be (total charge-material costs)/(total man hours).

Average hours: The average amount of time that it took to do the job.

Average dollars per hour including travel time: The average dollars per man hour including the travel time. The formula for this would be: (total charge-material costs)/(total man hour +total travel time).

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

Crew range: Allows you to see the information for just a specific crew or a specific crew range (eg. crews 1 to 30).

Customer range: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (eg. customers 1 to 1000).

Job numbers: Allows you to see information for specific job numbers, or a range of jobs. To select just jobs 1, 2, and 5, type it in as “1,2,5”. To see jobs 1 to 100, you would enter it as 1-100. To see all jobs, type in 1-9999.

Date range: Allows you to see information for a specific time period. Type in the start date for the beginning of the period you would like to see and type in the stop date for the day that you would like to end.

This report Sorts by:

Number: Sorts by the customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Name: Sorts by using the customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it in alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.)

Customer, Crew: Sorts by using the customers’ account number in your system, and then sorts by the crew number.

Crew: This option will sort all of the work by the crew number. It will give you the dollars per hour figures, but also includes the “total hours Budgeted” and “Job efficiency” rating for the crew.

Sort by Dollars Per Hour: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) dollars per hour  to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Sort Travel Time: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) dollars per hour to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Other options:

Show history: This option will show you a detailed history for each customer with a separate line for each time the job was completed. If you are looking at a lawn maintenance job that occurred 28 times in the season and are pulling the entire season worth of time, then it would show you 28 lines (one for each time the job occurred).

Contract Jobs Report Version: This will print out a report that includes the customer’s installments on the report along with the installments/man hours efficiency number.

Only jobs over/under projected times: This option will only include jobs that are different from the scheduled time. This will usually make it so that any time and material type jobs don’t show up on the report.

Include Jobs on hold: This will include any jobs that are "on hold" for the customer in the report.

Active Customers Only: This will only show customers that have a status of active (they are a current customer with your company who you are doing services with).

Job Costing Report - Actual Cost


The job costing-actual cost report helps you find out which customers are the most profitable. It is different than the job costing report because it shows the costs directly tied to each employee and crew.

CLIP has had a job costing report since it was first created. This report is based on the gross dollars per hour. This is calculated by the price charged (materials cost divided by the actual time it took to do the job). This is still the recommended way.

Based on user requests, we have developed a different way to do job costing. This is based on the employees cost and the equipment cost. This is calculated by the (price charged to the customer) – (employee hourly cost x actual employee time) – (equipment hourly cost x actual job time) – (materials). This formula will equal the gross profit.

To set this up, you must be using employees and set them up in the crew setup. Click on the link below for more information on employees in CLIP and crew setup.


Find the employee by clicking Files>File Maintenance>Customer List icon on main screen. Select the employee info button.

Enter the employees hourly cost. It should include labor burden (i.e. taxes, workers comp, average OT rate, etc.).

(qCLIPxe screenshot)

(CLIPxe screen shot)

From the CLIP main screen, select system>crew setup.

Choose the crew and enter the hourly equipment cost for this crew.

You can use this report for adjusting customer pricing for next season.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Job Costs – Actual Cost.

What does the report show (detailed version)?

Date: Date that the job was done.

Done #: The time that the job was done (1 would be the first time, 2 would be the second time the job was done, etc.)

Budgeted Time: Time that the job was budgeted to be done. The budgeted time comes from the man hour rating under the jobs>job detail tab.

Actual Time: The actual amount of time that it took to do the job. This is based on the start/stop time that you entered when you marked the job as completed.

Dif.: The difference between the budgeted time and the actual amount of time that the job took.

Charge: How much you charged the customer for the job.

GL Amount: How much you charged the customer for the job. For installment customers, the charge will be 0.00 because you didn’t charge them per service. The GL amount will have the amount that the job was worth for job costing reports.

Material Cost: Material costs that were entered when the job was recorded.

Chemical Cost: For programs and rounds, it shows the amount of chemical cost that was recorded when the job was completed.

Average dollars per hour: The average dollars per man hour on the job. The formula would be (total charge-material costs)/total man hours).

Average hours: Average amount of time that it took to do the job.

Average dollars per hour including Travel Time: The average dollars per man hour including the travel time. The formula for this would be (total charge-material costs)/(total man hour +total travel time).

The Gross $: GL amount - Materials – Chem Cost - Equip Cost - Emp. Cost. Basically, this number would be the charge of the job minus all of the costs associated with it.

The Gross %: This is made by dividing the gross $ / GL amount (value of the job).

The Average $/hour: Gross $/ actual time

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

Crew range: Allows you to see the information for just a specific crew or a specific crew range (eg. crews 1 to 30).

Customer range: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (eg. Customers 1 to 1000).

Job numbers: Allows you to see information for specific job numbers or a range of jobs. To select just jobs 1, 2, and 5 you would type it in as 1,2,5. To see jobs 1 to 100 you would enter 1-100. To see all jobs, type in 1-9999.

Date range: Allows you to see information for a specific time period. Type in the start date for the beginning of the period you would like to see and type in the stop date for the day that you would like to end.

This report Sorts by:

Number: Sorts by the customer's account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Name: Sorts by using the customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Customer, Crew: Sorts by using the customer's account number in your system, and then sorts it by the crew number. 

Crew: This option will sort all of the work by crew number. It will give you the dollars per hour figures. It will  also includes the “total hours budgeted” and “job efficiency” rating for the crew.

Sort by Dollars per Hour: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will also give you the lowest (worst) dollars per hour to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Sort Travel Time: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) dollars per hour to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Other options:

Show history: This option will show you a detailed history for each customer with a separate line for each time the job was completed. If you are looking at a lawn maintenance job that occurred 28 times in the season and you are pulling the entire season worth of time, it would show you 28 lines  (one for each time the job occurred).

Contract Jobs Only: This will only include jobs that have a bill type of “included in contract” (this would only show installment customers) in the jobs tab for the customer.

Only jobs over/under projected times: This option will only include jobs that are different from the scheduled time. This will usually make it so that any time and material type jobs don’t show up on the report.

Include Jobs on hold: This will include any jobs that are "on hold" for the customer in the report.

Active Customers Only: This will only show customers that have a status of active (they are a current customer with your company that you are doing services with).

Actual vs. Budgeted Man Hours

The actual vs. budgeted man hours report helps you to find out how well you are doing on jobs/customers compared to your goal. It gives you a good idea of how well the season went/is going compared to what you expected.

What can you do with this report? 

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports> Actual vs Budgeted Man Hours.

What does the report Show (Detailed version)?

Date: Date that the job was done.

Name: Displays the customer’s property name.

Job Name: Displays the name of the job that is being displayed.

Job Number: Displays the job number for the job that is being displayed.

Crew: Displays the crew assigned to the job that is being displayed.

Budgeted Time: Time that the job was budgeted to be done. The budgeted time comes from the man hour rating under the Jobs>Job Detail tab.

Actual Time: The actual amount of time that it took to do the job. This is based on the start/stop time that you entered when you marked the job as complete.

Difference: The difference between the budgeted time and the actual amount of time that the job took.

Travel Time: The amount of time to go to the job and come back from the job based on what was recorded when the job was marked as complete.

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

Crew range: Allows you to see the information for just a specific crew or a specific crew range (eg. crews 1 to 30).

Customer range: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (eg. Customers 1 to 1000).

Job numbers: Allows you to see information for specific job numbers or a range of jobs. To select just jobs 1, 2, and 5 you would type it in as 1,2,5. To see jobs 1 to 100 you would enter it as 1-100. To see all jobs, type in 1-9999.

Date range: Allows you to see information for a specific time period. Type in the start date for the beginning of the period you would like to see and type in the stop date for the day that you would like to end.

This report sorts by:

Number: Sorts by the customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first, and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Name: Sorts by using the customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Customer, Crew: Sorts by using the customers’ account number in your system and then sorts by the crew number.

Crew: This option will sort all of the work by crew number. It will give you the dollars per hour figures. It will also include the “total hours budgeted” and the “job efficiency” rating for the crew.

Sort by Dollars per Hour: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Sort Travel Time: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst)  to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Other options:

Only jobs over/under projected times: This option will only include jobs that are different from the scheduled time. This will usually make it so that any time and material type jobs don’t show up on the report.

Graph: Creates a graph of the information.

Summary: Creates a summary of the data instead of showing each line.

Output to Excel: Creates a spreadsheet of the data.

Budgeted Vs Actual - GANTT chart

The actual vs. budgeted GANTT chart report helps you to find out how well you are doing on jobs/customers compared to your goal. It gives you a good idea of how well the season went/is going compared to what you expected. This report only shows the last 30 days of each calendar year, going from the date you process report back to last 30 days.

This report is useful for seeing how many hours you sold to a commercial customers account and how many you have used up for a commercial account.

What can you do with this report? 

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports> Budgeted vs. Actual Gantt Chart.

What does the report Show (Detailed version)?

Item: Displays the name of the job that is being displayed.

OCC: Displays the max number of times that the job is supposed to be done (occurrences).

Hrs per Occ: Man hours budgeted for the job.

Extended hours: Displays the number of total hours for the season (occurrences x hours per occurrence).

Month Budget: Displays the number of hours that were budgeted for that month.

Month Actual: Displays the number of hours that you posted for that month.

Total OCC Posted: Shows the total number of times that you have recorded the service as done.

Total Budgeted Posted: Shows the total number of hours budgeted for the number of times that you have recorded the service as done.

Total Actual Posted: Shows the total number of hours that you have recorded to the service as it was done.

Total Available Budget: Displays the total number of budgeted hours left for the job.

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

For Customers from: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (e.g. Customers 1 to 1000).

Crews: Allows you to see information for specific crew numbers, or a range of crews. To select just crews 1, 2, and 5 you would type in 1,2,5. To see crews 1 to 100 you would enter it as 1-100. To see all crews, type in 1-999.

For Calendar Year: Allows you to see information for a specific calendar year (this year or earlier).

Include Jobs on hold: This will include any jobs that are "on hold" for the customer in the report.

Include Customers on Hold: This will only show customers that have a status of "on hold" (they are not a current customer with your company).

This report Sorts by:

Customer Number: Sorts by the customers’ account number in your system. It will create a separate excel sheet (tab) for each customer number, and create a final tab (sheet) for the totals for all of your customers.

Manager Budgeted Vs. Actual


Manager budgeted vs. actual report will compare the budgeted hours to the actual hours after work has been posted as done.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Manager Budgeted Vs. Actual.

What does the report show (detailed version)?

Date: Date that the job was done.

Property Name: Displays the customer’s property name.

Job Name: Displays the name of the job that is being displayed.

Budgeted Time: Time that the job was budgeted to be done. The budgeted time comes from the man hour rating under the jobs in the job detail tab.

Actual Time: The actual amount of time that it took to do the job. This is based on the start/stop time that you entered when you marked the job as complete.

Difference: The difference between the budgeted time and the actual amount of time that the job took.

Travel Time: The amount of time to go to the job and come back from the job based on what was recorded when the job was marked as complete.

Labor Hours: This section displays the budgeted time, actual time, travel time and difference.

Part Name: Name of the chemical/material. (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals List)

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

Crew range: Allows you to see the information for a specific crew or a specific crew range (eg. crews 1 to 30).

Customer range: Allows you to see information for one customer or for a range of customers (eg. Customers 1 to 1000).

Job numbers: Allows you to see information for specific job numbers, or a range of jobs. To select just jobs 1, 2, and 5 you would type it in as “1,2,5”. To see jobs 1 to 100, you would enter it as 1-100. To see all jobs, type in 1-9999.

Date range: Allows you to see information for a specific time period. Type in the start date for the beginning of the period you would like to see and type in the stop date for the day that you would like to end.

This report Sorts by:

Number: Sorts by the customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first, and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Name: Sorts by using the customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Customer, Crew: Sorts by using the customers’ account number in your system, and then sorts by the crew number.

Crew: This option will sort all of the work by crew number. It will give you the dollars per hour figures. It will also include the “total hours budgeted” and  the “job efficiency” rating for the crew.

Sort by Dollars per Hour: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst)  to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Sort Travel Time: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) dollars per hour customer to the highest (best) average dollars per hour customer.

Job List


This is a report of pattern jobs. This report is showing a detailed version of the same printed report from pattern jobs. This report is used to show the main pattern list of jobs that a company would offer.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Job List.

What does the report show (detailed version)?

Next: The next time the job will be done.

Last: The last time the job was done.

Preferred Day: Day of the week that the job is setup to be done on. If there are multiple days, this will be the first day of the week.

Hold Status: Status of the job. The job's status is marked as "on hold" or "active." 

Related or Not Related.

Job Type: The job type field that is selected in the pattern job list.

Custom Letters: The custom letters field that is selected in the job detail screen.

Custom Numbers: The custom numbers field that is selected in the Job Detail screen.

Crew Number: The crew number field that is selected in the job detail screen.

Route Sequence: Routing sequence number for the job.

Map Location: This is if you use map location inside of the job detail.

Minimum Jobs per Year: The min field inside the job detail screen.

Maximum Jobs per Year: The max field inside the job detail screen.

Done to Date: The done to date field inside the job detail screen.

Charge per Job: Amount of the job displayed inside the job detail screen. 

Man Hour Rating: This is what man hour rating you have listed in the job.

Charge Over Max: This is the charge over max field inside the job detail screen.

Charge Per Hour: This is the charge per hour field inside the job detail screen.

Area: This comes from the job detail. If you have this filled out, it would be square footage.

Tax Type: The tax type is whether the job is taxable or not. This is found inside the job detail screen.

Averge Time: This is if you use the average time field which is inside of the job detail.

Part of Contract or not included in contract will be displayed here.

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

Customer range: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (eg. Customers 1 to 1000).

Choose Report: This drop-down allows you to either print/preview the job detail, job detail with picture and job detail with picture plus. The picture options are only if you use the property pictures option from the property info tab (see below).

Include On Hold: This will include any customers that are "on hold" for the customer in the report.

Show 'On Hold' Only: This will only show customers that have a status of "on hold" (they are not a current customer with your company).

Show Active Only: This will only show customers that have a status of active and their active jobs.

Choose Report:



Other Options:

No other options, but this report can also be printed from the pattern jobs button on the main screen. That report will print in the detail and summary. The summary of that report will show a big list of pattern jobs. 

Season Summary Report

Click "What does this report do?"


The season summary report lets you know how many hours/dollars you have left in the season. If you use the season week’s section of it, it will project how many hours/dollars you will have for the season per week.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Season Summary Report.

What does the report show?

Actual report printout:

Job number: The number of the job.

Count: The number of items on the report (shows at the bottom of the column).

Sq.Ft.: The number of square feet for the job based on how many times you are going to do it (a 2,000 square foot lawn done 28 times would be 56,000 square feet).

Done: How many times the job has been done up to that point. For example, if the number is 5 then the job has been done 5 times.

Name: The customer’s property name.

Number: The customer’s account number.

Inv Date: The invoice date (if the job was printed through daily routines>print route sheets>route sheet invoices).

Inv Num: The invoice number assigned to the job (if the job was printed through daily routines>print route sheets>route sheet invoices).

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

Active Customers Only: If this is selected, only active customers will display on the report

Include all Jobs: Allows you to see information for all of the jobs in CLIP.

Only Active Jobs: Allows you to see only the jobs that are marked as active in your system (basically jobs that you are planning on doing).

Only Active Jobs: Allows you to see the jobs that are marked as active in your system and the jobs that have been done at least once this year.

Job numbers: Allows you to see information for a range of jobs. To select only job 1, use jobs 1 to 1. To see jobs 1 to 100, you would enter it as 1 to 100. To see all jobs, type in 1-9999.

This report sorts by:

Property Name: The customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Customer #: The customer's account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Property Street: This will sort using the customer’s street first (103 Adams Street would show before 99 Baylor Avenue).

Other options:

Detail Listing: Prints out a separate line for each job.

What does this report do button: Gives you a summary of what the report does.

Report numbers on the screen (not the printout report):

Season weeks: The number of weeks for your season (for places where you cut all year you would use 52 weeks).

Total Amount: Total dollars for the options that you chose.

Total Man Hours: The total number of budgeted man hours for the options that you chose.

Avg. Amount Per week: Average dollars per week based on the number of weeks that you chose (total amount/# of season weeks) for the options that you chose.

Avg. Man Hours Per week: Average budgeted man hours per week based on the number of weeks that you chose (total budgeted man hours/# of season weeks) for the options that you chose.

Job Summary Report

The job summary report gives an at a glance view of budgeted man hours vs. actual man hours. It is similar to the job costing report without pricing.

What can you do with this report? 

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>job Report>Job Summary.

What does the report show?

Date Printed: The date the report was printed.

Customer Name: Customer’s property name.

Customer Number: Customer’s account number.

Job Details: Below this will be all the jobs done for the date range.

Job Number: Job number.

Job Name: Name of the job (description).

Budgeted Hours: Total budgeted hours recorded for the date range.

Actual Hours: Total actual hours recorded for the date range.

Difference: Budgeted hours minus the actual hours.

Done By Date #: How many times the job has been done up to that point. For example, if there is a 5 then the job has been done 5 times.

Totals: The budgeted hours, actual hours, difference, and done by date numbers all added up per customer.

Grand Totals: The budgeted hours, actual hours, difference, and done by date numbers added up for all customers on the report.

What information can I filter?

Crew Range: This option allows you to set a crew range for the report.

Customer Range: This option allows you to set the customer range.

Job Number: This option allows you to set the job number range.

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the information that you want to get for the report.

This report sorts by:

Customer Number: The first customer that has jobs available in the date range will print and then the next customer. I.e., Customer 1, Customer 2, Customer 3, etc.

Other options:

Active Customers Only: If this is selected, only active customers will display on the report.

Accounting Projected Labour and Materials


The accounting projected labour and material report helps you determine what job is on a particular schedule. This report is similar to the schedule report except that it shows a summary for each crew with the gross budgeted labor cost and the materials that will be required.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Accounting Projected Labour and Material.

What does the report show?

Mhrs: This is what man hour rating you have listed in the job.

Date: Date that the job was done.

For Crew: Crew number.

Budgeted Man Hours: Total budgeted man hours for the crew.

Part Number: The part number assigned to the material/chemical (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs)

Part Name: Name of the chemical/material (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs).

Total Quantity: Total quantity of the chemical/material.

Total Cost: Total cost of the chemical/material.

This report sorts by:

Start date: The date that you want to start including jobs that will be scheduled.

Stop date: The date that you want to stop including jobs that will be scheduled.

Crews: This is where you would enter the crew or crew range that you wish to see.

Jobs: You can enter one job or a range of jobs by using 1-9999. If you want only certain job numbers, you can use 1,4,6, or 9. If you’d like all of them, you can leave the field blank and it will show all the crews for the date range.

Customer from: You can pick one customer or a range of customers.

Include jobs on Hold: This box being checked allows you to see the jobs on hold.

Owners Budgeted vs Actual

The owners budgeted vs actual report shows an overview by month of labor hours and costs as well as material budgeted costs vs actual costs. The filters allow you to sort the report down by the type of service based on the current job category that is setup in each job (see below for example).

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports> Job Reports>Owners Budgted vs Actual Report.

What does the report show (detailed version)?

Labor Hours Budgeted and Actual: This is a section that is displaying the budgeted time, actual time, travel time and difference.

Date: Date that the job was done.

Property Name: Displays the customer’s property name.

Job Name: Displays the name of the job that is being displayed.

Labor Cost Budgeted: Time that the job was budgeted to be done. The budgeted time comes from the man hour rating under the jobs in the job detail tab.

Actual Time: The actual amount of time that it took to do the job. This is based on the start/stop time that you entered when you marked the job as complete.

Difference: The difference between the budgeted time and the actual amount of time that the job took.

Travel Time: The amount of time to go to the job and come back from the job based on what was recorded when the job was marked as complete.

How does it narrow down (filter) the results?

Customer range: Allows you to see information for just one customer or for a range of customers (eg. Customers 1 to 1000).

Crew range: Allows you to see the information for just a specific crew or a specific crew range (eg. crews 1 to 30).

Date range: Allows you to see information for a specific time period. Type in the start date for the beginning of the period you would like to see and type in the stop date for the day that you would like to end.

Account Manager: Allows you to filter based on the acct manager field in the customer list screen.

Job Category: Allows you to filter based on the job category field setup on the job detail screen.

This report sorts by:

Number: Sorts by the customers’ account number in your system. If you use this option it will sort by account number 1 first, and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Name: Sorts by using the customer’s name in your database. If you choose this option, it will sort it by alphabetic order (a’s first, then b’s, etc.).

Customer, Crew: Sorts by using the customer's account number in your system, and then sorts by the crew number.

Crew: This option will sort all of the work by crew number. It will give you the dollars per hour figures. It will also include the “total hours budgeted” and the “job efficiency” rating for the crew.

Sort by dollars per hour: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer. 

Sort Travel Time: This option will sort all of the work by the average dollars per hour per customer. It will give you the lowest (worst) to the highest (best) average dollars per hour per customer.

Job Materials Report

The job materials report shows a list of jobs that have materials/chemicals that have been posted for the given date range.

What can you do with this report? 

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Job Materials Report.

What does the report show?

Part Number: The part number assigned to the material/chemical (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs).

Part Name: Name of the chemical/material (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs).

Quantity: Total quantity of the chemical/material.

Unit of Measure: Shows the measurement unit for the quantity (e.g. Lbs, square foot).

Date: Date the material/chemical was used for the job (posting the date of the job).

County Code: County code setup for the customer in the customer’s account.

Name: Customer’s property name where the material/chemical was applied.

Property Address: Address where the chemical/material was applied.

City: City of the customer’s property.

Zip Code: Zip code of the customer’s property.

What information can I filter by?

Crew Range: This option allows you to see materials for a specific group of crews on the report.

Customer Range: This option allows you to set the customer range.

Job Number: This option allows you to set the job number range.

Part Name: This option allows you to filter for a specific part name (from the chemical setup list in System > Chemicals/Materials > Materials in Jobs).

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.

This report Sorts by:

Date: The report lists the jobs by order of date. hgfhgfhfghgfhfg

Material Projection Report

The material projection report shows the projected list of materials/chemicals that are scheduled.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Material Projection Report.

What does the report show?

Part Number: The part number assigned to the material/chemical (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs).

Part Name: Name of the chemical/material (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs).

Quantity: Total quantity of the chemical/material.

Unit of Measure: Shows the measurement unit for the quantity (e.g. Lbs, square foot).

Date: Date the material/chemical was used for the job (posting date of the job).

County Code: County code setup for the customer in the customer’s account.

Name: Customer’s property name where the material/chemical was applied.

Property Address: Address where the chemical/material was applied.

City: City of the customer’s property.

Zip Code: Zip code of the customer’s property.

What information can I filter by?

Crew Range: This option allows you to see materials for a specific group of crews on the report.

Customer Range: This option allows you to set the customer range.

Job Number: This option allows you to set the job number range.

Part Name: This option allows you to filter for a specific part name (from the chemical setup list in System > Chemicals/Materials > Materials in Jobs).

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.

Contract Comparison Report

This report compares the installment amounts to the amounts that you entered for the value of the job and gives you a comparison of these two totals. This allows you to compare contract customer’s installments to the actual value of the work that you did.
What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Job Reports>Contract Comparison.

What does the report show?

Sort by Option: Property name or customer account number.

Customer # (0 for all): This option allows you to run the report for all

customers or only a specific customer.

Date Range: Click the start date & stop date for a date range.

Programs and Rounds Reports

Current Rounds History Report


This report shows you the latest time that the round has been done along with the related rounds that were done and when they were done. This report puts you through a step by step process to creating the current round history (related rounds) and places the information on an excel spreadsheet.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Programs/Rounds>Current Rounds History Report.

What does the report show?

Num: The customer’s account number.

Map: The map location entered for that round.

Custsince: The date that the customer was created in CLIPxe.

Status: The customer’s status with your company.

Salesrep: The salesperson recorded for that round.

Program: The program associated with the round.

Date: The date that the round was done.

Amount: The dollar amount that was charged to the customer for the service.

GL Amount: Shows the value of the job (used for non-contract jobs for the customers).

Description: The name of the round that was recorded.

Foreman: The foreman that was recorded when the round was recorded as completed.

Technotes: The notes for the technician for that round.

Hstdte1: The date for the first previous round that was recorded.

Hstdesc1: The name of the first previous round that was recorded.

HstAmt1: The dollar amount that was charged to the customer for this round.

Hstglamt1: Shows the value of the round for the period recorded (per service or include in contract bill types).

Hstfman1: The foreman that was recorded when the round was recorded as completed.

Hstdte2: The date for the second previous round that was recorded.

Hstdesc2: The name of the second previous round that was recorded.

HstAmt2: The dollar amount that was charged to the customer for this round.

Hstglamt2: Shows the value of the round for the period recorded (per service or include in contract bill types).

Hstfman2: The foreman that was recorded when the round was recorded as completed.

Hstdte3: The date for the third previous round that was recorded.

Hstdesc3: The name of the third previous round that was recorded.

HstAmt3: The dollar amount that was charged to the customer for this round.

Hstglamt3: Shows the value of the round for the period recorded (per service or include in contract bill types).

Hstfman3: The foreman that was recorded when the round was recorded as complete.

How does it narrow down (filter) rounds?

Chemicals selection box

Programs & what rounds selection boxes allows you to narrow down to specific rounds by checking the check box under Inc to include the round.

Begin Date: The start date you wish to show for the report.

End Date: The end date you wish to see on the report.

This report sorts by:

Excel: This report does not have any sorting options. If you need to sort it you can use the options inside of excel to sort.
Other options:

Prints to Excel: This report will always send to excel.

Rounds Usage Report


This report pulls information about the usage of rounds throughout the cycle of the program. This report is pulled based on the rounds selected, the date range, customer number, crew range, and the chemicals selected.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Programs/Rounds>Rounds Usage Report.

What does the report show?

Program Code: Displays the 5 digit code for the program (setup in pattern programs).

Date: Displays the date that the chemical was used.

Time In: Displays the time that the round was recorded as started.

Time In: Displays the time that the round was recorded as completed.

Round Name: Displays the name of the round that was used.

Round #: The number associated with the round (similar to a job number for jobs).

Crew #: The crew that used the chemical.

Wind Speed: The recorded wind speed for the day that the round was completed.

Wind Direction: The recorded wind direction for the day that the round was completed.

Weather Conditions: The recorded other weather conditions for the day that the round was completed (eg, sunny, rain, etc).

Chemical Details Version of the report shows:

Chemical Code: The chemical code for the chemical that was used.

Chemical Name: The chemical name for the chemical that was used.

Rate: The recorded rate that the chemical was applied.

Cost: The cost associated with the chemical when it was applied.

Quantity: The quantity of the chemical that was applied.

EPA#: The EPA number associated with the chemical.

How does it narrow down (filter) rounds/chemicals? 

Filter Options 1 & 2:

Customer #: Pulls information for the customer account number range that you specify.

Crew #: Allows you to see chemicals for specific crews.

Begin Date: The start date you wish to show for the report.

End Date: The end date you wish to see on the report.

Chemicals Selection Box

Programs and what rounds selection boxes allows you to narrow down  specific rounds by checking the check box under Inc to include the round.

This report Sorts by:

Customer: The customer's account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

By Chemicals: Sorts  by chemical name in alphabetic order.

Rounds Future Usage Report


This report gives you a list of chemicals that will be used in your scheduled rounds in the future.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Report>Programs/Rounds> Rounds Future Usage. 

What does the report show?

Name (at the top of the section): If printing out “By Chemical,” the chemical name will be listed at the top of each section with the totals for the chemical at the bottom of each section.

Cust #: The customer’s account number.

Name: The customer’s property name.

Round Name: The name of the round.

Qty: The quantity of chemical that is going to be used.

Area: The square footage of the area where the chemical is going to be applied.

Rate: The rate (typically rate per thousand) at which the chemical will be applied.

What can you narrow down by (filter)?

Program Code: Displays the 5 digit code for the program (setup in pattern programs).

Round Name: Displays the name of the round that was used.

Crew Range: Crew range from 1-9999.

Zone: None by default will select no zones. "Not Set" is the zones that are not setup for customers. The zone can be set in the customer’s account under the property info tab.

Invoices to Print: This allows you to choose (checkbox) specific customers based on the selection in step 1.

Chemical Code: The chemical code for the chemical that was used.

Map: Allows you to choose customers based on a map from Microsoft MapPoint.
This report sorts by:

Customer: The customer's account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

By Chemicals: Sorts it by chemical name in alphabetic order.

Report Output: Detailed view with detailed information and a summary view with a shortened summary view of the selected rounds.

You can move fields up or down the list here or edit the boxes to change the information that will show up on this report. This can be done in step 1 or 2. You can select some individually, or hit the all button or none.

Things to know:

The chemicals in this list are controlled by the materials tab under the programs tab when looking at the selected customer on the customer list (see screenshot below).

Rounds Compliance Report


This report outputs information from the selected round(s) for regulatory compliance. The purpose of this report is to show that your chemical applications meet the rules set by the compliance standards in your area.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?
This report can be found at Reports>Programs/Rounds>Rounds Compliance Report.

What does the report show?

Customer #: The customer's account number in your system. If you use this option, it will sort by account number 1 first and then 2, 3, 4 etc.

Crew Range: Crew range from 1-9999.

Date: Date range for a schedule of the chemicals that were used.

Chemical Code: The chemical code for the chemicals that were used.

Program Code: Displays the 5 digit code for the program (setup in pattern programs).

Round Name: Displays the name of the round that was used.
County Code: Displays the code for the county where the work was performed.

This report sorts by:

Print Options: Shows the customer name or shows the active ingredient and applicator name/license (if selected, you will not have the header options except for reporting the year). 

Header Options:

Certification ID #: Identification number associated with the chemical used.

Applicator Name: Name of the applicator used in the job(s).

Applicator Business Registration No.: Applicator registration number associated with the business.

Reporting Year: This field is the year that the report will show. There will be a sorting option whether or not to show active ingredient and the applicator
that you want to be selected.

Part Number: Number of the part used in chemical applications.

Part Name: Name of the part used in the chemical application.

Quantity: How many chemical applications were used in job(s).

Unit: How many units of chemical applications were used.

County Code: Code for county that chemicals were used in.

Applicator License #: License number associated with chemical applications used.

Active Quantity: Quantity of active chemical applications used in job(s).

Other Sort Options:
Sort By: Customer, county code, part number, and date.

Programs by Customer Report


This report prints a list of customers that the particular program setup.  the report will show the programs at the top and list each customer that the program is setup for.

What can you do with this report?

Show a list of customers that use a specific program.

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Programs/Rounds>Programs by Customer.

What does the report show?

Program: Displays the name of the program (setup in pattern programs).

Customer number: Displays the customer’s account number.

Property name: Displays the name of the customer’s property.

This report narrows down by:
Include on Hold Programs: This will include programs that are "on hold."

This report sorts by:

Property name: This report sorts first by the program, and then by the property name.

Report will output to:

To Printer: Straight to the printer.

To Screen: Straight to the screen for viewing. You now have the option to print it from there.

To ASCII: An ASCII file will output the report to a text, .txt file, or wherever you save it.

Database: This will output the report to a database file that can be opened by CLIP.

Excel: This will output the report to an excel spreadsheet file.

Rounds Revenue Projection Report


This report is setup very similar to the last report, Rounds Square Footage Report, except it will total all future rounds together for a total revenue projection.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Programs/Rounds>Rounds Revenue Projection.

This report sorts by:

Program Code: Displays the 5 digit code for the program (setup in pattern programs).

Round #: The number associated with the round (similar to a job number for jobs).

Crew Range: Crew range from 1-9999.

Zone: This will only include rounds in the selected zone.

Add Round Using Map: The map location entered for that round will be brought up on your Microsoft MapPoint application.

Other options:

Report Output: Detailed view with detailed information and a summary view with a shortened summary view of the selected rounds.

Rounds Square Footage Report


This report pulls the square footage done round by round. This report will show the customer number, property name, address, square footage, date done, and amount which will then be totaled at the bottom.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?

This report can be found at Reports>Programs/Rounds>Rounds Square Footage Report.

This report shows:

Cust #: Displays the customer’s account number.

Property Name: Displays the 5 digit code for the program (setup in pattern programs).

Property Address: Displays the property address where the application was completed.

Square Footage: Displays the square footage for the round.

Done: Displays the date that the application was done.

Amount: Amount of money earned for doing the application.

This report Sorts by:

Round name: The name associated with the round.

This report narrows by:

Crew Range: Crew range from 1-9999.

Date Done: Date that the round was marked as completed.

To: The date that you want the report to process records until.

Zone: This box being checked will include any rounds setup with the zone scheduling.

Invoices to Print: This allows you to choose (checkbox) specific customers to print out invoices for.

Add Round Using Map: The map location entered for that round will be brought up on your Mappoint Application.

Other options:

Report Output: Detailed view with detailed information and a summary view with a shortened summary view of the selected rounds.

Sales Reports (CLIPxe Only)

AR Report

The AR report will give you the Credits/Debits/Over 30s/Over 60s/Over 90s of your customers since the last billing period.

What can you do with this report?

Where can you find this report?
Thisr report can be found at Reports>Sales Reports>AR Report.

What does the report show?

Date Printed: Date the report was printed.

Account Number: Customer’s account number.

Name: Name of the property.

Billing Name: Billing name on the account.

Amount: This amount corresponds to the amount of the customer depending on which area of the report is being looked at. There are six totals. These totals are current, current as of last billing, over 30 as of last billing, over 60 as of last billing, over 90 as of last billing, and the total not yet received as of the last billing.

Phone Numbers: The phone numbers of the customers.

This report sorts by:

Customer Name: Lists customers alphabetically by property name.

Customer Number: Lists by the customer’s account number.

Other options:

This report has the options to:

Include Negative Balances: Shows the date that the report was printed.

Include Current Debits: Includes current charges for the customers.

Include Phone Numbers: This option allows you to include the customer’s phone numbers on the report.

Company Status Report


The company status report generates a current standing of your company's finances. This report represents balance forward customers only. We recommend qCLIPxe users refer to their accounts receivable reports in QuickBooks. If you are not showing customer's contract amounts and you think that you should be, see this article below: 

Sales by Job Type 

​ Summary

The Sales by Job Type report will show you the total sales by the Tax District/Job Description/Job Type.
What can you do with this report?   

This report allows you to quickly see jobs that are bringing in sales for a given time period.  
Where can you find this report? 

Reports>Sales Reports > Sales by Job Type

What does the report show?

Date Printed: Date the report was printed.
Report Options: Lists the report options used for the specific report.
Customer Number: Shows the customer’s account number.  
Name: Shows the customer’s name.  
Date:  Shows the date that the job/service was performed.  
Description: Shows a description of the job that was performed.
Totals: Totals will break down into Finance Charges/Non Taxable Sales/Taxable Sales/Total Sales. Depending on how the report is sorted, you will get totals for Tax Districts (Report by Tax District), Descriptions (Report by Description), and totals for Job Type (Report by Job Type).
What information can I filter?  
Include Credits: Whether the report will show credits (customer payments) or not.  
Date Range: Date range. Leave blank to see information for all dates.  
Customer Number: 0 for all customers. Enter a specific customer to see the sales by job type for that customer.
Description: Report will check a specific job name.
Job Type: Report will show only a specific job type.  
Taxing Country/State: Filter by the tax code.
This report sorts by:  
Tax district: Tax district that was setup in the customer’s account.  
Description: Job description that was setup in the customer’s job tab.  
Job type: Job type from the customer’s job tab under job details.  
Other options:

Show Sub Totals: Will show subtotals depending on how the report is sorted.  
Summary Only: Report will show only totals and no specific line items.   

Daily Grosses 

Daily grosses will break down totals by day and crew.  
What can you do with this report?

-See totals for crews and days at a glance.  
-See efficiencies for a specific day.  
Where can you find this report?
Reports>Sales Reports > Daily Grosses

What does the report show?

Start Date: The date that you want to start seeing information on this report.  
Stop Date: The date when you want to stop seeing information on this report.  
Date Printed: Date the report was printed.
Crew Range: Crew range that was chosen for the report.  
Date: Date for the totals of the specific crew.  
Crew:  Crew that did the information on that line.
GL Amount: GL amount (value for contract or non-contract jobs) of work done.  
Material Cost: Material cost associated with that line item.  
Budgeted Man Hours: Total budgeted man hours for the crew.
Actual Man Hours: Total actual man hours for the crew.
Travel Time: Travel time for the crew.
$ per Man Hour:  Dollar per man hour (amount of the job divided by number of hours it took to do the job) that includes travel time specific for the crews.  
Totals: Totals of the Amount, Material Cost, Man Hours Budgeted, Man Hours Actual, Travel Time, and $ per man hour broken down by crew, day and report totals.
What information can I filter?  
Crew: Filter by a specific crew range.
Date Range: Filter by a specific date.
Include Project Work: Include work from projects module (separate module).
​ This report sorts by:  
Daily Recorded Work Log: This will list the daily grosses for a crew by date.
By Date: This will list out Crew, Amount, Material Cost, Budgeted Man Hours, Actual Man Hours, Travel Time and $ per Man Hour along with totals. Dates will be grouped together.
By Crew: This will list out Crew, Amount, Material Cost, Budgeted Man Hours, Actual Man Hours, Travel Time and $ per Man Hour along with totals. Dates will be replaced and totals for the date range will be sorted by crew in ascending order.
Invoice Work Completed and Paid: This will list out work by crew and date depending on whether the information has been invoiced and paid (requires Special Invoices Module.)
Other options:
Print Summary: Totals only that are listed depending on Report Type.
Print Detail: Individual crew statistics based on Report Type. 

All Credits and Debits 

​ Summary
Shows all the credits and debits entered for the time period entered.
What can you do with this report?  
Quickly see the credits and debits that have been entered.  
Where can you find this report?
Reports>Sales Reports > AR Reports

What does the report show?
Date Printed: Date the report was printed.
Date Range: Date range of the report.
Billing Name: Billing name on the account.
Property Name: Property name on the account.  
Account #:  Customer’s account number inside of CLIP.
Date: Date the transaction was entered.
Credit: The amount of the credit.  
Debit:  The amount of the debit.
Totals: The total amount of credits and debits.

What information can I filter?  
Include Debits Type “D”: Debits with a tax type D will be included on the report.
Include Debits Type “L”: Debits with a tax type L will be included on the report
Include Debits Type “M”: Debits with a tax type M will be included on the report
Include Service Charges: Services charges for the date range
Include Credits: Credits on the customer’s account for the date range
This report sorts by:  
Debit Type: Sorts by the type of debit (see above options under include debit types for more information).  
Customer Number: Lists customers alphabetically.  
Customer Name: Lists customers by property name.  
Date: Lists transactions by the date of the transaction.  
Total Debits: Lists by the date the job was done.

Total Credits: Lists by the date the job was done.
Other options:
Detail: Shows a line item view which displays each transaction on a separate line.  
Summary: Lists just the totals for the report (doesn’t show specific transactions).  
Data to Excel: Sends the report to an excel sheet where it shows specific transactions.  

Custom Reports 

For information on using the User defined list, printing labels, and mail merge please see:

Marketing Merge Report 


The Marketing Merge will allow you to create an excel file or a word document with property and billing information.  
What can you do with this report?   

Create an Excel or Word document. The Excel file can then be used in a merge document to quickly fill out information on a template.
Where can you find this report?
Reports > Custom Reports > Marketing Merge

What does the report show?
Customer Number (num): Customer’s account number inside of CLIP.
Name (name): Customer’s property name.  
Property Address (paddress):
Address of the customer’s property.
Property City (pcity): City where the property is located.  
Property State (pstate): State where the property is located.  
Bill Name (bill_name): The billing name for the customer.  
Greeting (greeting): The greeting in the customer’s information (e.g. Mr., Mrs., etc.).
Billing Care Of (billing_c_o): The billing care of from the customer’s account screen.  
Billing Address (baddress): Billing address for the customer.  
Billing City and State (bcity_st): Billing city and state for the customer.
Billing Zip (bzip): Billing zip code of the customer.
Billing Home Telephone (bhtel): Billing home telephone of the customer.
Billing Work Telephone (bwtel): Billing work number of the customer.
Custom Letters (customchr): Custom letters associated with the customer.

Custom Number (customnum):
Custom numbers associated with the customer.

Residential or Commercial (r_c):
Whether the customer is a residential or commercial client.

What information can I filter?  
Active Customers Only: This option allows you to choose only Active Customers.

Only Customers: This option allows you to filter only customers (no employees, vendors, or estimate clients).
Only for Customers with the following jobs: Type the numbers of the jobs you want all your customers on the merge marketing list to have in these boxes.
But DO NOT have any of the following jobs: Type the numbers of the jobs you do not want the customers on the merge marketing list to have in these boxes.
This report sorts by:  
Num: The lowest customer number will be at the top of the list, then the next highest. I.e., Customer 1, Customer 2, Customer 3. 

Other options:
Browse the Table when done:
This will show the list of the data that has been exported to the excel file after it is finished processing.  
Output to Excel: This will output the report to an Excel Sheet for further data manipulation.  
To Word Document: This will output the report to a Word document to go through merging (for more information on merging see the User Defined List report).

Link Reports 

Link Reports (use QCLIPxe version instead if possible).

Link reports show you a listing of what credit and debit accounts were record based on the date range you have entered.  
What can you do with this report?  
-You can list a list of work recorded and what credit and debit account that was assigned to the job
 -Gives you total sales generated for the time frame specified
Where can I find this report?
Under the Reports>Link Reports section. It will only show up if you have the old modules from before CLIPxe (stopped selling them in 2005).  

What types of link reports are there?
 QuickBooks Account Report
 Peach Tree Account
 SBT Account Report

​ QuickBooks Account Report

Peach Tree Account 

SBT Account Report

What are my options when printing a link report?

History file: Based on the date range you use access dates from the history database.
Current file: Based on the date range you use access dates from the journal database (the journal database is the work entered for the current month).
Begin Date: The start date you wish to show for the report.
End Date: The end date you wish to see on the report.
Customer Number: You can enter 1 customer number or blank for all.
Enter part of account number or Blank for all: This allows you to type in your account number or part of an account number to see just the total amount generate for the account specified for the date range entered.  

What does Detail Report show me?

Detail report:


What is shown on the report?
Num: The customer’s account number in CLIPxe.  
Date: The date the job/transaction was record.  
Credit: Shows you the credit code you had posted it with (for example C for cash or check, D for debit nontaxable, etc.).  
Description: The name of the transaction.  
Amount: Transaction dollar amount.  
Glamount: General Ledger Amount.

Employee Reports 

Employee Efficiency Report (Report Dollars and Hours)

The Employee Efficiency Report gives you efficiency information by employee. The efficiency rating at the bottom of each employee is broken down by efficiency during payroll hours and efficiency based on man hours.  
What can you do with this report?  

-Show the efficiency of the production crews and the members on each crew.
-Get an idea of how much money each employee is bringing in for each hour they are under your payroll.  
-Allows you to see the jobs worked by each employee (depending on date range).
Where can you find this report?
Reports>Employee>Employee Efficiency > Report Dollars and Hours

What does the report show?
Crew Section Daily

Name: Displays the customer’s property name.  
Date: Displays the date the job was done.  
Job Name: Displays the job name that was done.
GL Amount - Materials: Amount paid for the job (for contract jobs it’s the job value) minus material cost (GL).
Budgeted Crew Man Hours:
 Amount of man hours budgeted for the crew for that day.  
Actual Crew Man Hours: Amount of man hours the crew actually took to do the jobs.  
Average Dollars Per Employee: Average dollars per employee (GL Amount divided by # of Crew Members).
Totals for <Date>: Totals for GL Amount, Budgeted Crew Man Hours, and Actual Crew Man Hours based on a specific date.  
Employee Section
Employee Name: Name of the employee  
Budgeted Personal Man Hours: Man hours for one employee specifically (not calculating for entire crew)
Actual Personal Man Hours: Actual man hours for specific employees.
Payroll Hours: Hours clocked in for payroll (see employee tracking manual for more information).
Totals: Totals for Actual Man Hours, Payroll hours, and Revenue.
Efficiency Rating (actual/payroll): Efficiency percentage of actual personal man hours divided by payroll hours.
Efficiency Rating (budget/actual):  Efficiency percentage of budgeted personal man hours divided by actual personal man hours.
Revenue/Payroll hour Rating: Dollar amount of total revenue divided by personal payroll hours.  
Revenue/Budgeted hour Rating: Dollar amount of total revenue divided by personal budgeted hours
Revenue/Actual hour Rating: Dollar amount of total revenue divided by actual personal man hours.
Summary Section

Job Period: Displays job period information (Start Date/Stop Date)
GL Amount - Materials: Total amount (or value for contract jobs) of the jobs minus material cost (GL).
Budgeted Crew Man Hours:  Total amount of man hours budgeted for the jobs based on the number of people on the crew that day.
Actual Crew Man Hours: Total amount of Man Hours the jobs actually took.
Efficiency Rating (actual/payroll): Efficiency percentage of actual total man hours divided by total payroll hours.
Efficiency Rating (budget/actual):  Efficiency percentage of budgeted total man hours divided by actual total man hours.
Revenue/Payroll hour Rating: Dollar amount of total revenue divided by total payroll hours.  
Revenue/Budgeted hour Rating: Dollar amount of total revenue divided by total budgeted hours.  
Revenue/Actual hour Rating: Dollar amount of total revenue divided by actual total man hours.
What information can I filter?
Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.  
Show Inactive Employees: This option allows you to show any employees that may have been deactivated during the time period.
Employee ID (Blank for all): This option allows you to select a specific employee for the time period or you can leave this blank to include all active employees.
Crew Range: This option allows you to select a specific crew range for the report.

This report sorts by:  
Date: The first date that has recorded jobs in the crew range will display first, then the next date with active jobs, etc.
Other options:
: If Detail is selected, each day will print out with each specific job that had been done. If Summary is selected, no history will be displayed on the report, only totals.

Employee Efficiency Report (Report Hours Only)


The Employee Efficiency Report (hours only) gives efficiency ratings (percentages) by date range/employee.  
What can you do with this report?  
-Shows the efficiency of the production crews and the members on each crew.
 -Gives you an idea of how efficient each employee is for each hour they are  

  1. Under your payroll (clocked in). 

  2. Working on the jobsite. 

Where can you find this report?
Reports>Employee>Employee Efficiency > Report Hours Only

What does the report show?
Date Range: This will show the start date and end date of the options on the previous screen.  
Crew Range: Displays the crew range selected on the previous screen.
Employee Name: Displays the employee’s name.  
Date: Displays the date of the time entries.  
Budgeted Man Hours:  Amount of man hours budgeted for the day based on the man hour rating of the jobs.  
Actual Man Hours: Amount of man hours that were recorded for this employee for the specific day.  
Paid Hours: Hours the employee was on the clock.  
Actual vs. Budgeted:  Efficiency percentage of budgeted personal man hours divided by actual personal man hours.
Actual vs. Paid: Efficiency percentage of actual personal man hours divided by payroll hours.
Budgeted vs. Paid: Efficiency percentage of budgeted personal man hours divided by payroll hours.
What information can I filter?  

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.
Employee ID (Blank for all): This option allows you to select a specific employee for the time period or you can leave this blank to include all active employees.
Crew Range: This option allows you to select a specific crew range for the report.
This report sorts by:  

Date: The first date that has recorded jobs in the crew range will display first, then the next date, etc.  
​ Sort on Actual vs. Paid: Sort the reports out in order of actual time that the employee was working on a job versus the amount of time that you paid the employee to work. 

Other options:
If Detail is selected, each day will print out with each specific day that has hours recorded. If Summary is selected, no history will be displayed on the report, only totals.

Employee Compliments/Complaints Report

Summary The Employee Compliments/Complaints report shows the comments for an employee listed by dates. This information can be entered in during the posting work screen or on the employee hour’s screen during the posting process (see screenshots in what information can I filter? section). 

What can you do with this report?  
-See which customers/employees are being complimented/have the most complaints.
-Gives you a quick and easy way to print out compliments/complaints for employees.
Where can you find this report?

What does the report show?

Employee Name: Displays the employee’s name.  

Date: Displays the date of the compliment/complaints.
Compliment/Complaint: This is the complaint or compliment that was entered.  

What information can I filter?  
Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the starting date and stop date of the report (based on when the job was completed).
Employee ID (Blank for all): This option allows you to select a specific employee for the time period or you can leave this blank to include all active employees.
Job Comments Only: Report will show only comments entered in the record work screen (see screenshot below).

Internal Comments Only: Report will show only comments entered in the employee hour’s screen.  

Report will show both Job Comments and Internal Comments. 

This report sorts by:  
Date and Employee Name: The first date that has recorded compliments/complaints will display first, then the employees in alphabetical order, then the next date, etc.  

Other options:

Print Layout: If Portrait is selected, the report will print the page in Portrait format. If Landscape is selected, the report will print lengthwise or in landscape format. 

Payroll Report 


The Payroll Report will give you the clock in, clock out, break time, and pay hours for your employees. The total pay hours will appear at the bottom of the Pay Hours screen.
What can you do with this report?   

-Shows the clock in/clock out times of your employees. This can be printed for data entry into your payroll program or sent to a payroll company.
-Allows you to quickly look over clock in and clock out times to find discrepancies.  
Where can you find this report?
Reports>Employee>Payroll Report

What does the report show?
Time Period: Displays the start and end date as the pay period.
Date: Date of the specific time entry.
Employee Name: Displays employee name.  
In: Shows the time that the employee clocked in.  
Out: Shows the time that the employee clocked out.  
Break Hours: Displays the break hours recorded.  
Pay Hours: Displays the pay hours which is the total hours minus the break hours.
Total Pay Hours: Displays the total pay hours.  

What information can I filter?  
Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.  
Show Inactive Employees: This option allows you to show any employees that may have been deactivated during the time period.  
Employee ID (Blank for all): This option allows you to select a specific employee for the time period or you can leave this blank to include all active employees.  
Crew Range: This option allows you to select a specific crew range for the report.  

This report sorts by:  
Employee Name: This report sorts by the employee name.  

Other options:
Detail/Summary: If Detail is selected, each day will print out with each specific clock in/clock out time. If Summary is selected, only employee totals will show on the report.
To Excel: This will create a spreadsheet of the payroll information for more customizing, data entry/manipulation options.

Hours by Category


The Hours by Category report
is used to see what jobs your employees are doing over a given period of time.  

What can you do with this report?  
-Shows the total hours for a crew member and how many hours they have worked in each job category.  
-Allows you to see the time spent at your jobs.  

Where can you find this report?
Reports>Employee>Hours by Category

What does the report show?  
Date: Displays the date the hours were recorded.
Employee Name: Displays the customer’s property name.  
Start Time: Displays the payroll start time for the employee for that day.
Stop Time: Displays the payroll stop time for the employee for that day.
Total Hours: Displays the total payroll hours for the employee for the given day.
Category Descriptions: Displays the categories that are assigned to the jobs and the amount of time spent at each category (see screenshot below).

What information can I filter?  

Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.
Employee ID (Blank for all): This option allows you to select a specific employee for the time period or you can leave this blank to include all active employees. 

This report sorts by:  
Date: The first date that has recorded time for employees will display first, then the next date, etc. 

Other options:
Output to Excel: This will output the report to an Excel Sheet for further data manipulation.  
With Subtotals (IN EXCEL ONLY) : This option allows you to see the subtotals for the categories inside Excel.
Sales Person (Commission)
Commission Report

The Commission report
shows the amount of commission each sales person has over a given period of time OR for any jobs assigned to a customer (see below for more information).
What can you do with this report?  
-Shows the commission on a job by job basis as well as the totals.
-Shows the top sales person (see the report sorts by for more information)  

Where can you find this report?
Reports>Sales Person> Commission

What does the report show?
Date Range: Displays the date range of the jobs on the report.
Date: Displays the date the report was printed.
Sales Person Name/Code: Displays the Sales Person’s Name/Code (see screenshot below).  

 This Job Detail screen has a sales person with the code JOHN and a Commission Rate of 5%. This also has the sold date. This code is used to order Sales Person information on the Commission Report.
Account Name: Displays the Customer’s Property Name information.  
Account Number: The customer’s number inside of CLIP.  
Job Num:  This is the job number of the job assigned to the customer.  
Job Name: The description of the job.  
Sold Date: The date the job was sold (see screenshot under Sales PersonName/Code).  
Done Date: The last time the job was done (If From Job is selected as Data Source, the report will not show the Done Date)  
Charge Per Job: The charge per job that was entered for the job.  
Commission Rate: The commission rate for the sales person assigned for this specific job.  
Commission: The commission for the job (Charge Per Job multiplied by the Commission Rate).  
Group Totals: Totals for the sales person.  
Grand Totals: Totals for all the charge per jobs and totals for commission.
What information can I filter?  
Data Source: If From Job is selected, the report will list the Commission Rate for the jobs in the customer’s jobs. If From History is selected, the commission rate will calculate based on the number of times the job has been posted.
Date Range: If from job is selected, the date is dependent on the date the job was sold (see screenshot above). If From History is selected, this date range will look for jobs that have been posted.
Sales Person: This will limit the report to show only a specific Sales Person based on the Sales Person Name/Code.
Job Number: This option allows you to select a specific job number
Include Skipped Jobs: This option will bring over any Posted and Skipped jobs (From History option only).
This report sorts by:  
Sales Person: Alphabetical listing of the sales person codes.
Customer Number: Listing of customers starting at customer number 1. Groups will be calculated based on the customer number.
Customer Name: Lists customers in alphabetical order. Groups will be calculated based on the customer name.
​ Job Number: The jobs will be listed starting at job 1. Groups will be calculated based on job numbers.
Other options:
To Excel:
This will send the commission report to Excel for further data manipulation.

                                     Crew Member Report
Crew Member Report


The Crew Member Report will show you what employees are assigned to what crew (Crew Setup is done in System > Crew Setup).  
What can you do with this report?  
-Shows the crews with the employees listed underneath. If an employee is listed on more than one crew, they will be listed again under that crew.
 -Gives an at a glance view of the crews, crew names and employees.
Where can you find this report?
Reports>Crew Member List
What does the report show?

Date: This will show the date the report was printed.  
Crew: Displays the crew range selected on the previous screen.
Crew Name: Displays the Crew Name (Setup in System > Crew Setup).
Employees: Displays the name of the employees on the crew.
What information can I filter?  
This report does not have filter settings.
This report sorts by:  
Crew Number: The lowest crew number will show up first on the list, then the next. I.e., Crew 1, Crew 2, Crew 3, etc.
Sort on Actual vs. Paid: Sort the reports out in order of the money owed to your employees verses the money that has been paid.
​ Other options:

This report has no other options.

​                                                Chemicals

Job – Chemical Usage Report


The Chemical Usage Report shows a list of jobs that have materials/chemicals that have been posted for the given date range. We do not recommend using this report for Chemical Jobs. For the recommended way of recording/tracking/using chemicals in CLIP, please see the programs and rounds manual.  
What can you do with this report?  
See how much chemical/material has been used.  
Where can you find this report?

Reports>Chemicals > Jobs – Chemical Usage Report

What does the report show?
Date: Date the material/chemical was applied (posting date of the job).
Part Number: The part number assigned to the material/chemical (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs).
Part Name: Name of the chemical/material (System > Chemical/Materials > Chemicals in Jobs).
Active Quantity: Amount of active ingredient. I.e., 1 part chemical to 10 parts water = 10% active ingredient.  
Active Unit of Measure:  What the active ingredient of the chemical/material is being measured in.
Quantity: Total quantity of the chemical/material.
Unit of Measure: What the quantity of the chemical/material is being measured in.
Applicator Name:  If “Show Active Ingredient and Applicator Name/License” is selected, the applicator name and license information will pull from System > Chemicals/Materials > Applicator Licenses. If not selected, information will not be brought into the report and License number, applicator name, Business Registration number and Reporting year will need to be entered manually.
Applicator License #: License number of Applicator brought over from System > Chemicals/Materials > Applicator Licenses if “Show Active Ingredient and Applicator Name/License” is selected.
Name: Property name of the customer that chemical was applied to.
Property Address:  Street Number/name of the customer that chemical was applied to.
City: City of the customer.
Zip Code: Zip Code of the customer.
What information can I filter?  
Start Date/Stop Date: This option allows you to set the start date and stop date of the report.
Flagged records: This option allows you to select only flagged records (inside of the Materials screen, whether track is selected or not).
Unflagged Records: This option allows you to select unflagged records (track is not checked off for the chemical).
City Code: Print a specific City Code or blank for all Cities.
Show Customer Name: Toggles the customer name on or off for the report.
Show Active Ingredient and Applicator Name/License:
If this is selected/active, the applicator name and license information will pull from System > Chemicals/Materials > Applicator Licenses. If not selected, Applicator Name and License will not be brought into the report. License number, applicator name, Business Registration number and Reporting year will need to be entered manually in the fields below “Header Options.”
This report sorts by:  

Customer: Lists customers alphabetically.  
City Code: Lists by city code.
Part Number: Lists by part number.
Date: Lists by the date the job was done.
Other options:
This report has no other options.

                                   Final Thoughts 

Why should I run reports at all?
Reports are important because you have to know that you are being successful in getting to your goal. If you aren’t measuring it then you will never know how close or far you are from accomplishing your goal.  

At Sensible Software our goal is to help you achieve success in your business. That is why we continually say that “Your success is our business.”  

For more information about reporting, business, and goals please checkout:

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