Pattern Jobs will need to be setup in order to add jobs to your customers. Pattern Jobs is a term that refers to a pattern or template of information that you can set up to make adding new jobs faster and more accurate or a template of information for jobs.
The link below will allow you to watch our video on adding pattern jobs:ย
How many services do you offer to your customer base? Get a piece of paper out and write down every service or job your company provides. This list could be pretty long. Start grouping services or jobs that are alike such as maintenance, clean ups, irrigation, etc. After grouping them, start numbering the services or jobs by group. Start with your most common service or job until they are all numbered. From the main screen, click the Pattern Jobs button.
From this screen, you can click Add or Delete or start editing the pattern jobs in this list. From the list of jobs on the screenshot above, there are some of the most useful fields. Click the Add button at the top. This will create a new line on this list for you to fill in the Job Description. When a new job gets created on this list, it creates a job with the next available job number. Some additional fields on this screen are:
Job Description is the name of the service or job that will appear on your customer's bills as a description of the charge for performing the service.
If you need a longer description for the job, consider using the Notes tab and input the information on the Invoice Note.
The Next Visit date above is an estimated date when your crew will arrive at the property.
The Last Visit date above is the last recorded date for the job based on the last time you posted the work in CLIP.
The Schedule field is how the scheduling for that job is setup, for instance:
N = At least "Number" days Between Jobs
W = Weekly
B = Bi-Weekly
M = Next Month
Y = Next Year
O = One Time Only
When using "At Least 'Number' Days Between Jobs," the Freq column will show how many days are setup between jobs. For more examples on how Job Scheduling works, see the adding and scheduling jobs article by clicking on the link below:
The Job Detail screen details useful information that can be used for Pattern Jobs or for creating a template of information to add to customers. From the screenshot above, information on the Job Detail tab will contain fields that you will want setup under the Pattern Job. For instance, certain jobs will only be setup under Per Service - Bill Type so that the customer gets charged for every visit to the property.
Click Materials/Job Costs tab.
The Material/Job Costs tab can be used to quickly price jobs from the area of the job since all of the parts and labor will have the prices updated by the area. This is very useful especially if the same material is used on the same job for each customer that gets that service.
Once you have detailed the information in Pattern Jobs, you can utilize the Job Detail, Schedule, Notes, and Material/Job Costs tabs to access additional fields. Fill in as many Pattern Jobs to create as many templates or master forms in order to add jobs to your customers.