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Creating and Implementing Programs and Rounds In CLIPitc
Creating and Implementing Programs and Rounds In CLIPitc

How to setup and use chemical application programs and other types of rounds in CLIPitc.

Jonathan Conaway avatar
Written by Jonathan Conaway
Updated over 7 years ago

Programs and Rounds is a more advanced feature of CLIPitc. When we say advanced we do not mean it is more complicated, but that it is a feature that can be very helpful for the company that wants to grow and expand in the Turf Application market, which is no small deal.

Programs and Rounds will give you more control over your materials for Turf Apps. It also helps you to see how much money you make on Turf Apps, separate from your maintenance jobs so you can better judge how to grow your company.

In this manual, we will be going over how to setup your programs, how to get them out to your crews, and how to record them so you can get the most accurate data from CLIPitc as possible.


Pattern Programs

Creating Pricing Sheets


Setting Up Program Materials

Adding Programs To Customers

Setting Up Rounds For Your Customer

Activating Rounds

Programs and Rounds

Pattern Programs

Just like jobs, you must first have a pattern Program setup before you begin adding them to customers. Please do not skip this section. If you take some extra time now and setup your pattern, it will save you so much trouble down the road. Your extra effort today will pay off greatly tomorrow.

To setup your first pattern, go to Patterns>Pattern Program.

Now click add.

After clicking add, you will be able to enter the programs basic info. Let's start with the program code.

The program code is a 5 character description of the program. For this program, I want to setup a spring fertilization. Here is what I have setup:

The next field you will want to make sure is setup is the description. This is what your guys will see in the field and what your customer will see on their invoices.

The call ahead field can be left blank, as well as the area. These fields are specific to the customer (we will be going over this later in the manual).

Now click save.

Now add the number of rounds that this program contains. Mine will have 3. To do that, just click Add Round.

Now type the number of rounds you want in this program.

You should now see all the rounds listed.

Starting with the first round, give it a name.

Next field that I would recommend setting up would be the status. If you see yourself adding this program to customers who you know will be receiving the service, set the status to "Active" this way you have one less step to take when getting this round to be serviced for the customer. However, if you plan on adding it to "possible" Turf App customers, leave the status on "Hold".

The reason active would be helpful is so that you do not have to go through activating each round for the customer you have added it to. This may be a step that is forgotten and can leave a customer out of the loop of service. This is only a recommendation.

If you want to make sure you have all the reporting ability of CLIPitc available to you, then set up the "Category and Sub-Category's". If you rather set this up under the customer, then leave these fields blank in the pattern.

If you have only one crew that services this program then go ahead and assign that crew in the pattern.

Creating Pricing Sheets

Another very useful feature that is a part of pattern program setup is the Pricing Sheet feature. This basically allows you to have a preset pricing sheet that can automatically be pulled from when adding the program to a customer. When it is complete all you have to setup in the customer is their yard size;, and from there CLIPitc will grab the appropriate price from the pricing sheet! 

In the pattern for the round you're pricing, you will need to check off the box for the pricing sheet declaring that you will use it. Once checked off, you will be able to press the Pricing Sheet button.

Next, you will need to set the cost parameters for the pricing sheet.

Go ahead and Click on price sheet now. We will be going over this next:

You will see "Fixed Price" "Min Charge" and "Min. Man Hours." These amounts will be applied to any yard size that falls bellow your Range 1 parameters (See below for further explanation).

Fixed Price is the amount you will charge all of your customers plus the price per 1k, which we will talk about in a moment.

Min. Charge is the minimum amount you will charge the customer for this round until the price per 1k exceeds the minimum amount.

Min. Man Hours is the minimum amout of man hours you expect your men to spend on servicing this round until Mhrs Per 1k exceeds that Minimum man hour rating. For example, until the yard's size is greater than 1000 sqft I estimate it to take my men 30 min. After 1000 sqft, the calculation will exceed 30 min and thus the number will be replaced with a larger man hour rating than 30 min through the pricing sheets calculations.

CLIPitc gives you three Ranges (range 1-3). In these ranges it is best to make sure it encompasses all the property sizes you see yourself servicing from smallest to largest. Also be sure to adjust your price per 1k if you charge more for smaller or larger yards. For example, you may charge more per 1k for a smaller yard because half the time is load and unload time, but you charge less per 1k for a larger yard because your crew has less down time.

If you do not want your range to adjust per 1000 square feet but by a larger or smaller number, you can enter that under "Range Generate every". 

Once you are happy with your pricing sheet parameters just click Generate Price Sheet. CLIPitc will then display a pricing sheet that reflects your prices per property size interval.

If everything looks correct to you then click save.

Setting Up Program Materials

Programs obviously all use a material of some kind. In this section of the manual we will go over how adding material to the pattern program will help you when it comes time to apply the program to a customer.

If you have not setup your material list in CLIPitc yet please see our help manual about Setting Up Your List Of Materials.

In a program, each round will have it's own materials. So to add a material to your first round of your pattern, highlight the desired round then click on "Materials"

Now you will be able to add or select an existing material. If you already have the material existing in your material list, then click the "Select Part Number" drop down to select the appropriate material.

Just a few more things to go over concerning this rounds material.

Quantity can be left at 0 for this part of the setup due to this only being the pattern setup. This will be adjusted per customer.

Congrats! If you are happy with how your pattern program and rounds are set up then you are finished with the setup of your pattern! Now time to apply this pattern to customers and start servicing their applications.

Adding Programs To Customers

Go ahead and double-click on the customer you want to add this program to in your customer list.

Now click on jobs.

Select the package you would like to add this program to.

After highlighting the package you want to add the program to, just click add!

You will now see all of your pattern jobs and programs. Simply highlight the program and click select.

The program will now appear in the customers job list with all of its rounds listed.

Setting Up Rounds For Your Customer

Next, we just need to fill out the information for the rounds. Lot size and so on...

Because our round description and category's are typically setup in the pattern we will just go right to the billing setup of this round.

Pricing Via Price Sheet: If you have a pricing sheet setup under your pattern this process is super easy. To get your Charge Per Job, Simply enter the Job Area. Then double check the price to see if the price is correct.

CLIP will then ask you to confirm if you want to automatically adjust the price using area size.

Even after clicking ok, you can manually adjust the price if you wish. We will go over those steps next.

Manual Pricing: Is just as simple. In Charge per job just enter the price for this Job. Also, enter the Man Hour Rating. The Calc2 feature is handy for this. Remember if you do not have a Man Hour Rating you will not have accurate job costing reports.

If this job is priced by the hour then be sure to fill in your charge per hour now.

Next set the bill type for this job. I will be setting mine up as a contract charge.

If you have not entered a job area and a crew, go ahead and do that now.

If you are using the QuickBooks version of CLIPitc, make sure you have an item selected as well.

If you are charging tax go ahead and assign the tax type now.

Also be sure to fill in the Routing Sequence as well. This typically will be the same as the customers maintenance jobs routing sequence number.

Material cost is not a field that can be edited, it is only for material cost reference. This number is calculated from the total price of all materials added to this round.

If you already know how much material you plan on using, go ahead and enter that here. This will show on your guys routes so they know how much to use on that customers property. To do that, just click edit on the job material.

Activating Rounds

You probably have noticed that programs and rounds do not have a scheduled section built in. This is because programs and rounds are not meant to be automatically scheduled. They run on what we call "DO" statuses. These determine whether or not a program can be done. Below is a quick description of these statuses.

Hold status will place this round on hold indefinitely. You will not be able to activate this round until it has been taken off of hold.

Active this status will cause this round to be ready to go when you go to activate rounds.

Done This Year status means that this round has been done already and will not show up to be done again this year unless you change it back to active.

Skip This Year means that you cannot activate this round this year, but when next year comes around you will be able to activate it.

(All status' can be manually changed if you need to change them.)

Now that we have an idea of how status' work, let's go ahead and activate our first rounds so our crews and service our customers.

Go to the daily tab in CLIPitc, then click activate rounds.

Once you click activate rounds you will now see filters. These will allow you to only activate the rounds you want.

The First filters are "#Days Since Last Service and Crew Number."

#Days Since Last Service allows you do use a certain number of days to filter out jobs that are not due to be done yet. This looks at the last visit date of the prior rounds in the program. So if you use 30 days since last service and round 1 was only done 15 days ago, that customers 2nd round will not show up to be activated.

Crew# gives you the ability to filter out rounds by crew range.

Next, select the program you want to activate rounds for:

After selecting the desired program, you will see all the rounds associated with that program in the next column. Now just select the desired rounds you would like to activate.

You can also use zip codes and zones to filter out more specific rounds if you like.

If you are happy with the filters you have chosen just click the Next button on the bottom right of the screen.

After clicking next you will see all the rounds due to be activated determined by your filters.

Hopefully, you have more due to be done than me! But if you find everyone that should be done listed here just hit the check all box at the top and click add work:

After clicking Add Work you will now see this in your work bank to be done just like any other job.

From here all you need to do is print the route sheets and record the work at the end of the day.

Now you know how to utilize Programs and Rounds. 

If you have any questions please visit our Help Center or log into chat at the bottom of the page at, we'll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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