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Routing In CLIPitc

How to optimize your routes in CLIPitc

Jonathan Conaway avatar
Written by Jonathan Conaway
Updated over 8 months ago

Have you ever worked out how much money it costs your company when your crew takes a wrong turn or takes the long way around town? Whether you have worked that out or not; the fact is you aren't making any money on travel time! With that said, we have built in a routing feature that can save your crew time. It keeps the lost profit to a minimum by giving your crew the most efficient route possible.

This manual will go over the steps involved in routing your crews through CLIPitc's routing feature.

Before you route, you must get work for the day to make sure your jobs are updated for the day. This way you do not miss any recently updated schedules and so on.

Next, go to the "Routing" tab.

Now click on "Get Routing". This will go through the jobs that are due to be done and find their locations on the map.

After you click get routing, you will see all the jobs due to be done. You can route all your crews at one time if you like. I am only doing one crew for sake of simplicity in this example.

You're almost ready to go!

Next, you will need to "Optimize Stops". This process will look for the most efficient route for your crews.
​NOTE: When optimizing multiple jobs at once, Google Maps may or may not be able to optimize well after 85 stops. See screen below for example:

After optimizing, you will be able to click and drag the jobs around if you do not like the routing that was given. Once you are happy with the routing go ahead and click "Save New Order".

The order that you save here will be the order that it will be shown in the CLIPitc app and on your route sheets.

One last thing, this route order will be saved permanently unless you re-route these customers. For example, if this is your Monday route and you haven't added any customers to this route or schedule, then this same route order will show up next Monday in your App and Route Sheets. The way CLIPitc saves route orders permanently is by placing a route sequence number in the job based on the routing done through our routing feature. Below is an example of one of the customers I have routed in this manual:

And that is it! Your routes are ready to go!

If you have any questions please visit our Help Center or log into chat at the bottom of the page at We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have!

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