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Using the CLIPitc Mobile App

How to use the CLIPitc on a tablet or smartphone in the field

Jonathan Conaway avatar
Written by Jonathan Conaway
Updated over 6 months ago

The CLIPitc Mobile App is a very lightweight and clean-looking program developed for use with both tablets and smartphones of either Apple or Android operating systems.  We did our best to make the app as user-friendly as possible so your crew leaders can catch on quickly and spend a minimal amount of time on their phones when they're recording their work throughout the day.

We've also set it up so you will only need one device for each crew as opposed to buying a phone for each employee.  A bonus is that the app is not data intensive and will enable you not to have to spend extra from the budget on a significant data plan. 

In this article, we'll show you (In Reverse Order) how to install the app and look at the app's four main sections: Record, Time Clock, ToDo's, and Settings.

Getting the APP

The app is available for both Android and iOS devices. To find it, simply visit the app store/play store from your phone or tablet and search for "CLIPitc mobile." This should appear as the top result. After it's downloaded, open the app and log in with your normal CLIPitc username and password. All the information from your CLIPitc account will automatically fill into the app.


Under the Settings section (the gear), your crew leader can set things up for that day of work. Everything should only take a minute or two and save lots of time throughout the day.

If you are logging into the CLIPitc App for the first time, it will ask you to Select a Crew from Settings. Just choose the crew you want to record work with. If the work isn't showing up, take a sec to log in to CLIPitc from your computer or tablet and check to make sure the jobs are assigned to the correct crew.

For the Settings screen,
Here's what the Settings screen will look like after a crew has been selected.

Setting up Crews

First, let's look at setting up the crew. Sometimes people call in sick, go on vacation, or some companies have crews that change every day! Adding and removing employees from a crew can easily be done by the crew leader in just a few seconds by tapping the appropriate buttons. You'll have to have all your employees set up from your computer in CLIPitc before they'll show up in the mobile app. Check out this article for instructions on exactly how to do that.

Weather Options

Some states require you to track things like wind speed, wind direction, temperature, etc. for chemical applications. In the CLIPitc app, you can set those defaults in the morning for the whole day. This saves you from entering in all the information every time you record a job. If anything changes, you can change these defaults at any time throughout the day and the rest of the jobs will reflect the appropriate changes. To set them up, just tap Weather Options and put in your information. You can add more weather options by logging in from your computer and going to the Customize Tab>Weather Condition.

Materials Report

By selecting Materials Report, you can view all the materials you'll need for the jobs assigned to that day. This way your guys can quickly view the report, load up the supplies it lists, and know they have everything they need for the day. They'll be able to see what materials are needed for each job later when they record the work. This is just a list of all the materials needed for the entire day.

Time Clock

Your employees can easily track their hours throughout the day by using our Time Clock feature. This reflects the number of hours they worked in a day and is completely separate from how long the crew spent on each of the jobs. We'll get to the recording work section after this, but for now, you can think of this time clock feature as being used for Payroll Purposes.

In order to use this feature, you will need to setup all your employees from your computer in your CLIPitc account. Again, you can find that article in our Help Center. 

Select the Time Clock option next to the settings icon. This will bring you to a list of all the employees on that crew. Tap the employee you want to clock in.

From here, you can tap the big green/red button when they want to clock in or out. As they clock in and out throughout the day, a history will show up beneath the "Current Time." To clock in a different employee just tap Back and select the employee you want. You can edit your employee's time from your computer by going to the Employee tab, clicking View More under the employee, and selecting the History tab on the far left.


The record section (the Truck icon) is where your crews will spend most of their time. This is where they can view all the jobs they need to do in order, view notes for jobs, materials, record work, and do a few other things. We'll go over how to do everything one step at a time.

On the first screen, you'll see a list of customers and jobs. It's setup so the jobs are listed in black under the customer's name in gray. If a customer has more than one job (e.g. mowing and chem. apps), the jobs will be listed on two separate lines under the customer's name. Everything is listed in order of route number which you assign from your computer manually under each job, or if you have the plus or enterprise plans you can automatically route them under the Daily tab by clicking Routing.

Start by tapping the first job.

From there you'll see the screen below with all the information that's specific to this job. From top to bottom, you can see the customer's name, the job name, and the address. If you tap the small world icon next to the address it will find the address in your navigation app. From there you can easily use your phone's GPS feature to get to the property without copying and pasting anything!

Let's look at the functions of the rest of the buttons one by one.

Add Job to Group (plus icon): Sometimes you might want to group jobs together. This could be handy if you were in a neighborhood with three neighbors in a row. Instead of recording the times separately for each job you can group them together. CLIPitc will then divide the total time by the number of properties and distribute the man hours accordingly.

To group jobs together just tap Add Job to Group (the plus icon) and you will see a list of all the jobs not yet recorded. Just tap Add next to the jobs you want to group. To record the times, just press Start Job. End the job only after you have completed all the jobs in the group.

Start Job (play icon): Tap this to start a job. The moment that you tap it will go into the customer's history as the time the job was started. You may notice that after you tap to start the job the button changes to End Job. Just tap End Job when you are finished with the job.

NOTE: after you end the job it will be removed from the job list and the crew won't be able to make any more adjustments from the field. If someone makes a mistake and starts or ends the job at the wrong time, you can edit it before it's finalized from your computer under the Daily tab.

Pause (icon with two lines): Tapping this will pause the time recorded for the job. This could be necessary if your crew takes a lunch break in the middle of a job, or are interrupted for other reasons.

NOTE: if your crew is taking an unpaid lunch break remind them to also clock out individually under the Time Clock section.

Notes Section (in red): These notes are pulled from the job under the customer's account. You can add important information that you need the crews to see such as gate combinations, or reminders to lock the gate before they leave. They are setup from your computer under the customer's job.

Material: Here you can see what materials were meant for the specific property.

Add General Note: This note will show up on your computer when you're viewing the work they've done. They can make specific notes about the property or how the job went. They can also provide explanations of why the job took more or less time than normal.

Add Invoice Note: Here your crew can add a note that will show up on the invoice the customer receives whenever you do billing. Perhaps the customer requested an additional service right then and there, and you wanted to remind them with a short note on their invoice.

Add Signature: By tapping this, your crew can record a customer's signature. Perhaps you require the customer to look a landscaping job over and sign saying everything is satisfactory, or you want them to sign agreeing to an additional service right then and there. Whatever the case may be, the signature will be neatly filed under the customer's account.

Skip Job: Tapping this will take the job off today's schedule and reschedule it for another day you choose.

Change Crew: With this, you can assign the job to a different crew. Just tap this button, tap Select, choose the crew you want to change it to, and tap Save.

Set Conditions: Here you can change the weather conditions for this specific job.
NOTE: Changing the condition under a specific job does NOT change the default. Change the default under the Settings section of the app. Under Set Conditions, you can also setup Lawn Conditions. These are completely customizable.  You can make this list whatever you want from your computer by going to Customize>Change Lists>Lawn Conditions.

Back at the Office

After your crew records a job, it won't automatically show up in the customer's history! That's because we want you, as the owner or manager, to have a chance to glance over all the information and make changes easily before it's more permanent. To make changes or finalize everything, from your Computer, go to the Daily Tab>Record Work> and search for the appropriate Crew/Date. On that screen, you can make any changes that you want. Once you're done, simply click Finalize All and the information will go into all your customers' history, ready to be billed!

If you have any questions please visit our Help Center or log into chat at the bottom of the page at We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have!

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