Before going through these instructions to set up your credit cards in CLIPxe, go to and apply.
If you have been processing credit cards in the past or want to now, you must follow these steps if you have credit card information in CLIP.
βNOTE: We are NO longer storing credit card numbers in CLIP. This is due to PCI Compliance requirements. You only need to do steps 1-6 if you have had whole credit card numbers stored in CLIP under the "Bank" tab.Β
Unzip this file inside of your CLIPv folder.
Inside the CLIP program, click Files>Other Utilities> then Dot Prompt.
Type in the dot prompt the following " do tmpcclist"
Type the "enter" key on your keyboard. This will export all customers that have credit card numbers out to Microsoft Excel and open the file. This will include any customer that has at least one credit card in their records. This will also show if they have a bank account stored. Just look for the records that have an expiration date to identify the credit card ones.
In CLIP, type the "escape" key on your keyboard when finished.
All users will need to complete the following steps:
In CLIP, click System> Financials Setups>Credit Card Setup, then>Credit Card Setup one more time.
Select the Bluepay radio button, and then select the Bluepay setup button.
At this point, you will need to log into the Bluepay website with the information provided by them (Account ID and Secret key). On their website, go to Administration>Accounts> then List. Select the "View" icon under the options column. Write down or copy/paste the Account ID and Secret key.
Enter the information into CLIP.
Select "Save", then click "Return" or "Enter" twice.
The following needs to be done only if you completed the first six steps in this article:
In Enter Transactions in CLIP. Go to the first customer on the Microsoft Excel list.
Click "Continue" then either enter the charge for the customer or enter $0.01. This will establish the credit card and make it easier to enter a charge to the same card for the next time you go to enter the charge.
Select "Process."
Select "Ok" to the confirmation message.
Done. Now go to the next credit card number and start over with these steps until all the credit card numbers for all customers are converted.
Process a Credit Card
Click the "Receive Payments" icon on the main CLIP screen. You can also click File Maintenance, then Enter Transactions. Press the Y key or + key in the Credit Card field.
Once a Y or + is entered in the Charge Card? field, you will be presented with a window to enter Credit Card Information.
If the credit card is not displayed in the card type drop-down, click "Return."